Special Mention
Potala Palace is a treasure house of culture. In a period of over 300 years ,it has collected murals of about 2500㎡near a thousand stupas,and about 100 000 tangkas,as well as numerous artifacts of gold,silver,bronze,iron,enamel,lacquer。bamboo,ivory,jade,jewelry,brocade,stone inscription,seal,coin,written archives,and religious instruments. The very precious.Pattara Leaf Scriptures alone numbers over 500 volumes. Kept in the palace are also the Saria of Sakyamuni,as well as the gold album,jade album,and gold seals issued by the central government from Ming and Qing Dynasties to authorize the Dalai Lama,and the Golden Bumpa Urn bestowed by Emperor aianlong of Qing Dynasty for identifying the reincarnation of the deceased Dalai Lama.
达拉宫是文物的宝库。300余年来,布达拉宫收藏了2 500余平方米的壁画,近千座佛塔,上万幅唐卡,还有金银器、铜铁器、珐琅器、漆器、竹雕器、骨角象牙器、珠长宝石、织绣、石刻、印章、货币、典籍、文献资料以及宗教法器洪器等几万件。仅珍贵的梵义贝叶经就有500余卷,还有释迎牟尼的舍利子,另外还有明清以来中央政府关于西藏的各种封与达赖喇嘛的金册,玉册、金印和乾隆皇帝御赐的为挑选达赖转世灵童而设的金奔巴瓶。