日期:2015-09-16 09:43



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She says it is fun to try new ____ .

a) spices

b) sauces

2) There is always room for ____ .

a) dessert

b) conversation

3) Food helps people learn ____ .

a) proper nutrition

b) about the world


Topic:Do you prefer local or international cuisine?

Hello, I'm Graciela from Costa Rica. The question is if I prefer local or international cuisine?

Honestly, I think that it's a great idea to try food from all different parts of the world especially if you don't have much money to go and travel outside your country. I think that food is a great way to find out more about culture, history. It's fun to try new dishes, spices, and there's always room for conversation. I think food is one of the most interesting ways to find out more about the world and if you ever have a chance to try food from different parts of the world, you should definitely do it.

Thank you.


a b b
