新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List23:Unit1
日期:2015-11-30 13:47


【考法 1】 n. 布道,说教: public speech usually by a member of the clergy for the purpose of giving moral guidance or uplift
【例】 sermon whose message was that we should love our neighbors as much as we love ourselves 主题是教导我们要像爱自己一样爱邻居的一次布道
【近】 homily
【考法 1】 adj. 弯曲的: winding or turning one way and another
【例】 the country inn lies at the end of a rather serpentine road 乡村小酒吧坐落在一条非常蜿蜒的道路的尽头
【近】 curved, curvy, devious, sinuous, tortuous, twisted, winding
【反】 direct, straight, straightaway 直的
【考法 1】 adj. 锯齿状的: notched or toothed on the edge
【例】 a serrate leaf 锯齿状的叶片
【反】 without notches, smooth 无凹口的,平滑的
【考法 1】 adj. 密集的: having little space between items or parts
【例】 Flowers came up every spring in their serried ranks. 大量的鲜花在春季盛开。
【近】 compact, dense
【反】 widely separated, airy, loose, open, uncrowded 稀疏的
【考法 1】 adj. 低下的,卑屈的: meanly or cravenly submissive: abject
【例】 had always maintained a servile attitude around people with money 对有钱人卑躬屈膝
【近】 base, humble, menial, slavish
【考法 1】 adj. 严厉的,要求严格的: given to exacting standards of discipline and self-restraint
【例】 a severe, uncompromising teacher 一位严厉、不妥协的老师
【近】 austere, harsh, ramrod, rigid, rigorous, stern
【反】 clement, forbearing, gentle, indulgent, lax, lenient, tolerant 温和的,随意的
【考法 2】 adj. 难以承受的,艰难的: difficult to endure
【例】 a severe winter that was among the coldest on record 有记录的最寒冷的冬天之一
【近】 brutal, excruciating, grievous, onerous, oppressive, tough, trying
【反】 easy, light, soft 轻松的
【考法 1】 vt. 束缚: to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of restrictions or handicaps
【例】 unwilling to shackle the dogs to the wall of the house 不愿意把狗拴在墙边
【近】 chain, enchain, enfetter, fetter, gyve, handcuff, manacle, pinion, trammel
【反】 loose, emancipate, unbind, unfetter, unshackle 解放
【考法 2】 v. 限制,阻碍: to create difficulty for the work or activity of
【例】 shackled by poverty and ignorance 被贫穷和无知所阻碍
【近】 clog, cramp, encumber, fetter, hinder, impede, inhibit, interfere with, manacle, obstruct, short-circuit, stymie, tie up, trammel
【反】 aid, assist, facilitate, help 促进,帮助
【考法 1】 vt. 偷偷尾随: to follow especially secretly: trail
【例】 shadowing the suspect to see what he was up to 尾随嫌犯行踪
【近】 chase, course, pursue, trace, track, trail
【派】 shadowy 模糊的:faintly perceptible: indistinct
【例】 He had only a shadowy idea of what they wanted him to do. 他对要做的事只有一个模糊的想法。
【考法 1】 adj. 浅显的,浅薄的: having or showing a lack of depth of understanding or character
【例】 shallow generalizations 一个浅显的概览
【近】 facile, one-dimensional, skin-deep
【反】 profound 深刻的,有深度的
【考法 1】 n. 欺瞒: the quality of deceitfulness; empty pretense
【例】 condemned the rigged election as a total sham 指责这次有作弊的选举是彻头彻尾的骗局
【反】 debunk 揭穿真相
【考法 2】 v. 掩饰,假装: to present a false appearance of
【例】 shammed a most unconvincing limp just to get sympathy 非常拙劣地假装自己腿脚不便,以博得同情
【近】 act, affect, bluff, counterfeit, dissemble, fake, simulate, pretend, profess, put on, pass for
【考法 3】 adj. 虚假的: not genuine; fake
【例】 street vendors selling sham designer handbags to gullible tourists 街头小贩向易上当的游客兜售山寨的设计师手包
【近】 bogus, forged, phony, spurious, unauthentic
【反】 genuine, authentic, bona fide, real, unfaked 真正的
  • trackn. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲 v. 跟踪,追踪
  • humbleadj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的 vt. 使 ... 卑
  • hinderadj. 后面的 vt. 阻碍,打扰 vi. 阻碍
  • pretensen. 借口,虚假,伪装
  • simulatevt. 假装,模仿
  • counterfeitn. 膺品,伪造品 adj. 假冒的,假装的 v. 仿造
  • assistn. 帮助,协助,协助的器械 vt. 帮助,协助 vi.
  • indistinctadj. 不清楚的,模糊的,微弱的
  • abjectadj. 卑贱的,不幸的,可怜的
  • servileadj. 卑屈的,奴隶的