新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List17:Unit7
日期:2015-09-07 15:51
【考法 1】 adj. 感到愉悦满足的: giving pleasure or contentment to the mind or senses
【例】 I always associate the palatable aroma of roasting turkey with Thanksgiving. 我总是把香喷喷的烤火鸡的味道和感恩节联系起来
【近】 agreeable, blessed, congenial, delectable, delightful, delightsome, dreamy, dulcet, enjoyable, felicitous,grateful, gratifying, heavenly, jolly, luscious, pleasurable, satisfying, savory
【反】 disagreeable, pleasureless, unpalatable, unpleasant, unwelcome 不愉悦的
【考法 1】 adj. 宫殿般奢华的: of the nature of a palace, as in spaciousness or ornateness
【例】a palatial penthouse apartment 一套豪华的顶层公寓
【近】deluxe, lavish, luxuriant, opulent, sumptuous
【反】 ascetic, austere, humble, no-frills, spartan
【考法 1】 vi. 失去兴趣: to lose in interest or attraction
【例】 His humor began to pall on us. 他的幽默开始使我们生腻了。
【反】 interest, intrigue 激发兴趣
【考法 1】 v. 平息,减轻: to make less severe or intense; mitigate
【例】 palliative drug 缓解剂
【近】 allay, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe
【反】 aggravate, exacerbate, worsen, increase intensity 加剧,恶化
【考法 1】 adj. 无生气的,缺乏活力的: lacking in radiance or vitality; dull
【例】 The movie is a pallid version of the classic novel. 这部经典小说改编的电影很苍白无力。
【反】 piquant 兴奋的
【考法 2】 adj. 苍白无血色的: having an abnormally pale or wan complexion
【例】 a pallid girl who looked as though she'd never seen the sun 一个面色苍白的姑娘,仿佛从来没有晒过太阳
【近】 ashen, ashy, blanched, pasty, wan
【反】 rubicund, blooming, florid, flush, full-blooded, glowing, ruddy, sanguine 红润的
【考法 1】 adj. 繁荣的: marked by prosperity
【例】 the palmy days of the British drama 英国戏剧的繁荣时期
【近】 flourishing, prosperous, thriving, booming, lush, roaring, halcyon
【反】 failed, depressed, unprosperous, unsuccessful 不成功,不繁荣的
【考法 1】 adj. 摸得到的: capable of being touched or felt
【例】 a small but palpable lump in my neck 我脖子上有一块小但是能摸得到的肿块
【近】 touchable
【反】 impalpable, intangible
【考法 2】 adj. 明显的,易觉察的: easily perceived; obvious
【例】 a palpable difference 易觉察的差别
【近】 apprehensible, detectable, discernible, distinguishable, sensible
【反】 imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable 隐晦的,细微的
【考法 1】 vi. 欺骗: to act insincerely or deceitfully
【例】 unwilling to palter over the price of the house 拒绝对房子漫天要价
【近】 chaffer, deal, dicker, haggle, horse-trade, negotiate, equivocate
【反】 candor 坦率
【考法 1】 adj. 无价值的;微不足道的: lacking in importance or worth
【例】 used a paltry, underhanded scheme to get him fired 用一个微小卑鄙的手段炒了他鱿鱼
【近】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, niggling, piddling, piffling, trivial
【反】 significant, important, big, consequential, considerable, material 意义重大的
【考法 2】 adj. 让人厌恶,让人鄙视的: arousing or deserving of one's loathing and disgust
【例】 a paltry, underhanded scheme to get someone fired 一个卑鄙的炒掉某人的计谋
【近】 cheap, cruddy, deplorable, despicable, grubby, lame, lousy, mean, scummy, scurvy, sneaking, wretched
【反】 admirable, commendable, creditable, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy 令人尊敬的
【考法 1】 v./n. 严厉批评: a harsh criticism
【例】 almost all the movie critics have panned this latest sequel in a tired series 几乎所有的影评家都批评这部最新续集,认为是狗尾续貂
【近】 blame, censure, condemn, denounce, dispraise, reprehend
【反】 eulogize, extol, rave, laud, praise 称赞
【考法 1】 adj. 感到愉悦满足的: giving pleasure or contentment to the mind or senses
【例】 I always associate the palatable aroma of roasting turkey with Thanksgiving. 我总是把香喷喷的烤火鸡的味道和感恩节联系起来
【近】 agreeable, blessed, congenial, delectable, delightful, delightsome, dreamy, dulcet, enjoyable, felicitous,grateful, gratifying, heavenly, jolly, luscious, pleasurable, satisfying, savory
【反】 disagreeable, pleasureless, unpalatable, unpleasant, unwelcome 不愉悦的
【考法 1】 adj. 宫殿般奢华的: of the nature of a palace, as in spaciousness or ornateness
【例】a palatial penthouse apartment 一套豪华的顶层公寓
【近】deluxe, lavish, luxuriant, opulent, sumptuous
【反】 ascetic, austere, humble, no-frills, spartan
【考法 1】 vi. 失去兴趣: to lose in interest or attraction
【例】 His humor began to pall on us. 他的幽默开始使我们生腻了。
【反】 interest, intrigue 激发兴趣
【考法 1】 v. 平息,减轻: to make less severe or intense; mitigate
【例】 palliative drug 缓解剂
【近】 allay, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soothe
【反】 aggravate, exacerbate, worsen, increase intensity 加剧,恶化
【考法 1】 adj. 无生气的,缺乏活力的: lacking in radiance or vitality; dull
【例】 The movie is a pallid version of the classic novel. 这部经典小说改编的电影很苍白无力。
【反】 piquant 兴奋的
【考法 2】 adj. 苍白无血色的: having an abnormally pale or wan complexion
【例】 a pallid girl who looked as though she'd never seen the sun 一个面色苍白的姑娘,仿佛从来没有晒过太阳
【近】 ashen, ashy, blanched, pasty, wan
【反】 rubicund, blooming, florid, flush, full-blooded, glowing, ruddy, sanguine 红润的
【考法 1】 adj. 繁荣的: marked by prosperity
【例】 the palmy days of the British drama 英国戏剧的繁荣时期
【近】 flourishing, prosperous, thriving, booming, lush, roaring, halcyon
【反】 failed, depressed, unprosperous, unsuccessful 不成功,不繁荣的
【考法 1】 adj. 摸得到的: capable of being touched or felt
【例】 a small but palpable lump in my neck 我脖子上有一块小但是能摸得到的肿块
【近】 touchable
【反】 impalpable, intangible
【考法 2】 adj. 明显的,易觉察的: easily perceived; obvious
【例】 a palpable difference 易觉察的差别
【近】 apprehensible, detectable, discernible, distinguishable, sensible
【反】 imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable 隐晦的,细微的
【考法 1】 vi. 欺骗: to act insincerely or deceitfully
【例】 unwilling to palter over the price of the house 拒绝对房子漫天要价
【近】 chaffer, deal, dicker, haggle, horse-trade, negotiate, equivocate
【反】 candor 坦率
【考法 1】 adj. 无价值的;微不足道的: lacking in importance or worth
【例】 used a paltry, underhanded scheme to get him fired 用一个微小卑鄙的手段炒了他鱿鱼
【近】 inconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, niggling, piddling, piffling, trivial
【反】 significant, important, big, consequential, considerable, material 意义重大的
【考法 2】 adj. 让人厌恶,让人鄙视的: arousing or deserving of one's loathing and disgust
【例】 a paltry, underhanded scheme to get someone fired 一个卑鄙的炒掉某人的计谋
【近】 cheap, cruddy, deplorable, despicable, grubby, lame, lousy, mean, scummy, scurvy, sneaking, wretched
【反】 admirable, commendable, creditable, laudable, meritorious, praiseworthy 令人尊敬的
【考法 1】 v./n. 严厉批评: a harsh criticism
【例】 almost all the movie critics have panned this latest sequel in a tired series 几乎所有的影评家都批评这部最新续集,认为是狗尾续貂
【近】 blame, censure, condemn, denounce, dispraise, reprehend
【反】 eulogize, extol, rave, laud, praise 称赞