新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List10:Unit5
日期:2015-05-19 09:39


【考法 1】 n. 旗帜,象征: a piece of fabric that is used as a symbol (as of a nation) or as a signaling device
【例】 We respect the flag of our fathers. 我们尊敬父辈们的旗帜
【近】 banner, ensign, pendant, pennant
【考法 2】 v. 变得衰弱: to become unsteady, feeble, or spiritless
【例】 We flagged as we neared the end of the long mountain trail. 当我们终于快到达漫长山路的终点时,已经筋疲力尽
【近】 decay, decline, deteriorate, emaciate, fade, fail, languish, sag, waste, wilt, wither
【反】 thrive 繁荣;revitalize, revive 恢复活力
【派】 unflagging adj. 坚持不懈的
【考法 1】 adj. 艳丽夺目的,炫耀的,充满装饰的: marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display
or behavior; ornate
【例】 Las Vegas showgirls wearing flamboyant headdresses 打扮花哨的拉斯维加斯舞女
【近】 flaring, florid, garish, ornate, ostentatious, showy
【反】 natural 自然的;conservative, quiet, understated 低调的
【派】 flamboyance n. 炫目,炫耀
【考法 1】 vt. 拍马屁,奉承,讨好: to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest
【例】 Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends. 当面拍你马屁的朋友都不是真正的朋友
【近】 adulate, blandish, compliment, court, massage, overpraise, stroke, wheedle
【反】 abuse 辱骂;censure, criticize 批评
【考法 2】 vt. 自我感觉良好: to think highly of (oneself)
【例】 Don't flatter yourself that no one has ever thought of that idea before.不要自欺欺人地认为别人没有考虑过那个想法
【近】 pique, plume
【考法 3】 vt. 使显得更漂亮: to show off becomingly or advantageously
【例】 Orange flatters those with golden skin tones. 橙色让黄肤色的人显得更漂亮
【近】 become, enhance, suit
【反】 mar, spoil 破坏
【派】 flattering adj.令人满足的,令人迷恋的
【考法 1】 n. 瑕疵,缺点: an imperfection, often concealed, that impairs soundness
【例】 The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw. 完美无瑕本身就是瑕疵
【近】 blight, blotch, defect, fault, imperfection, mar, scar, spot
【考法 2】 v. 降低,破坏,使不完美: to reduce the soundness, effectiveness, or perfection of
【例】 That crack has flawed the vase to the extent that its value in the antiques market is greatly reduced. 那道裂缝让这个花瓶在古董市场上大大地掉价
【近】 blemish, break, compromise, cripple, harm, hurt, impair, injure, spoil, vitiate
【反】 fix, mend, repair, revamp 修复,改造
【派】 flawed adj. 有瑕疵的;flawless adj. 完美无瑕的
【考法 1】 n. 新手: a person who is just starting out in a field of activity
【例】 At hockey he's still a fledgling and needs to work on his basic skating skills. 在冰球场上他还是一个菜鸟,还需要在基本的滑冰技术上加强练习
【近】 apprentice, beginner, freshman, neophyte, novice, tyro, recruit, rookie
【反】 veteran 老兵,身经百战的人
【派】 fledge v. 鸟类长羽毛
【考法 1】 n. 舰队,车队: a group of vehicles traveling together or under one management
【例】 fleet of the Royal Navy 皇家海军的舰队
【近】 armada, caravan, cavalcade, motorcade
【考法 2】 adj. 迅速的: moving, proceeding, or acting with great speed
【例】 He was fleet as a deer. 他如小鹿般敏捷
【近】 brisk, expeditious, fast, hasty, nimble, quick, rapid, rattling, speedy, swift
【反】 slow 缓慢的
【考法 3】 vi. 快速通过: to move or pass swiftly
【近】 dart, flit, hurry, hustle
【反】 plod 沉重而缓慢地走
【派】 fleeting adj. 稍纵即逝的
【考法 1】 adj. 灵活的,可变的: capable of being readily changed
【例】 Our schedules are highly flexible. 我们的计划是非常灵活的
【近】 adaptable, adjustable, alterable, changeable, elastic, fluid, malleable, modifiable, pliable, variable
【反】 fixed, immutable, inflexible, invariable 确定的,不可变的;stiff, rigid 僵化的
【考法 2】 adj. 易受影响的: susceptible to influence or persuasion
【例】 Their boss was flexible and lenient. 他们的老板既好说话,又很仁慈
【近】 docile, manageable, tractable
【反】 adamant, headstrong, intractable, mulish, recalcitrant, refractory, stubborn, obstinate 倔强的
【派】 flexibility n. 灵活性
【考法 1】 vi. 畏缩;退缩: to draw back in fear, pain, or disgust
【例】 He met my gaze without flinching. 他毫不畏缩地与我对视
【近】 cringe, quail, recoil, shrink, wince
【反】 face, meet 面对;confront 直面
【考法 1】 n. 轻率,无礼: unbecoming levity or pertness especially in respect to grave or sacred matters
【例】 The flippancy of your answer annoyed me. 你轻率的回答让我很恼火
【近】 facetiousness, flightiness, frivolousness, frothiness, levity, silliness
【反】 earnestness, gravity, seriousness, soberness, solemnity, solemnness 严肃,认真
【考法 1】 vi. 调情: to behave amorously without serious intent
【例】 The waitress at that restaurant flirts with all single male customers. 这家餐厅的女服务员对所有的男性单身顾客都暗送秋波
【近】 coquet, dally, frivol, toy, trifle
【考法 2】 vi. 无规则地快速运动: to make an irregular series of quick, sudden movements
【例】 lazily watched the butterflies flirting among the wildflowers 慵懒地看着蝴蝶在野花丛中乱舞
【近】 dance, dart, fleet, flick, flit, flutter, hurry, rush, zip
