日期:2015-08-12 10:28



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She would like a ____ family.

a) small

b) big

2) He thinks ____ her.

a) the same as

b) differently than

3) He had ____ brothers than she did.

a) more

b) fewer


Topic:Would you like to have a big family?

Mark: I'm Mark

Sorie: and I'm Sorie and today's question is ...?

Mark: What is today's question? Today's question is when you're older, would you like to have a big family?

Sorie: I would like to have a big family. I think it is very nice to share time with different types of people, different characters and you learn so much from each other. I think it's a great thing. Yeah. How about you?

Mark: I'd love to have a big family. I grew up with just one sister, so I thought my family was quite small, and I really thought that if I had more brothers ... I never had any brothers. If I had lots of brothers to play with, I thought would be really nice. Yeah, did you have a big family when you were young?

Sorie: Yes, I did. I had ... well, I have five brothers. It was so wild, but we love each other, we take care of each other, and we're always taking care of ... so it's a really good thing.


b a b
