日期:2013-01-02 17:35



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) She recommends that people walk _______.

a) to their job

b) up stairs

2) Three says you ______ exercise every day.

a) should

b) do not have to

3) She says you should think ________.

a) of the environment

b) positively


Topic:What do you do to stay healty?

Hello, this is Three from Vietnam, and the question today is: "What do you do to stay healthy?". I think that the first thing to do, to stay healthy is to eat healthily. Add more vegetable to your diet, and eat less junk food. The second thing is to exercise regularly. It doesn't mean that you have to go to gym every day, and work out there for one hour. You can climb the stair, you can walk, or ride bicycle to the supermarket or bookstore. That's exercising and having fun too. And last but not least, think positive.


b b b
