日期:2015-07-12 09:13

















NYC to Ban Super-Sized Sodas and Sweet Drinks


We're gonna turn now to the looming ban this morning on Super size Sugary drinks. New York city planning to outlaw sales of big sodas and other sweet drinks over certain size in an effort to curb obesity. It is the first ever nationwide ban of this kind. And ABC's Dr. Richard Bester is here with more. And Rich, this is raising a lot of byproducts.
我们现在来看一下即将实施的禁售大杯含糖饮料令2xwdQwAmZr。为了抑制肥胖,纽约市计划宣布销售超出一定尺寸的含糖饮料为非法64*8x5TFcF=z。这是首个全国范围的类似禁令]yOnmz]aE=。ABC记者Richard Bester为您介绍更详细内容rih50yW&77%dQ。而且,该禁令导致许多副产品的出炉K^%WG)dZN&HG60L#VL


It really is. I mean this is big, this is a dramatic measure. You know, the mayor is saying this is about helping people lose weight, because more than half of all the people in New York city are obesity or overweight, and that number is only growing.


If approved, the ban could prevent restaurants, galleries and even movie theaters from selling sugar drinks large than 16 ounces. Drinks in cups and bottles larger than that will be illegal. Larger sizes of the water, milk and fruit juices could still be sold. New York mayor Mike Bloomberg told the New York Times, New York city is not about reining your hands, is about doing something. I think that's what is the public wants the mayor to do. He says he's targeting the drinks because of their empty calories. That they cause people to gain weights with an hour help them feel full. And idea this city has been pushing in public service ads since 2009.


--I think it's a good way to send message that you know, he's supporting healthier life styles.


--I don't think it's the mayor's job to decide what sort of soft drinks that people might have them anywhere in the world want to buy for that matter.


The proposed ban is just the latest what many called his war on obesity. Since being elected, Bloomberg has banned smoking in public places, stopped the use of transfat in city restaurants, and also required them to pose calorie counts on menus. and idea lately incorporated in president Obama's healthcare legislation in 2010.


So, let me show you what this looks like, Grabin, this is 16 ounce cup, that has 200 calories, and 12.5 sugar cubes. 12.5 that's a lot of sugar. So, the mayor is looking to ban anything about that. So here, we have 32 ounce cup, 400 calories, that's kind of 25 sugar cubes. That's a ton of sugar.


So, like you said, it's empty calories but I don't think people realize, I mean, when they see like this, they think, the tons abit, what do you think about all these tons of...


Well, you know clearly if you want to lose weight, the one thing to do is do not have that sodas, if you have, if you, 120 ounces soda per day, and you cut that out, you can lose 25 pounds a year. 25 pounds but you have to want to do it and I don't think this ban is gonna make people want to change the behaviour.


you hit it, you have to want to do, but at least it gets sparking dialogue.


we talk, that's right.


People are talking about, no, but to the same, (everyone is talking about that), but to say it is against the law.


That's a little far.


That is.


That's really debate, it's gonna be.


Thanks guys.





Changing dynamics of China's population


July 11th is World Population Day, an annual event that seeks to raise awareness of global population issues. With one-fifth of the world's population, China is the most populous country in the world. By the end of 2014, China's population reached 1.368 billion.


That includes 230 million people under the age of 14; 930 million people between 15 and 59 and 212 million people over 60 years of age. The group of people over 60 is growing fast. In 2010, 13.3% of the entire population was over 60, and that number rose to 15.5% in 2014.


Meanwhile the number of births grew to 16.87 million in 2014 from 15.92 million in 2010. Thanks partly to the relaxation of the nation's one-child policy. Couples can now have two children if either parent is an only child. According to a survey conducted by China's top health authority, about 40% of these couples have plans to have a second child.


Gender imbalance is a serious side effect of the one-child policy, as a result of Chinese parents' traditional preference for boys. In 2014, the boy-to-girl sex ratio of newborns stood at 115.88 to 100. Director General Yang Wenzhuang from the National Health and Family Planning Commission says although there are still many challenges to changing the newborn sex ratio, more and more people in China now prefer girls to boys.


Yang Wenzhuang, Director-General of National Health, Family Planning Commission said:"During my recent field research, I found that people's perspectives on newborn sex-choice have changed greatly. In some rural regions of Henan Province, people become more aware of the advantages and value of girls. Girls may have more career choices and can earn quite a good salary, while raising boys costs relatively more. So in many places in China, especially in rural areas, there are more and more people now prefering girls to boys. And I believe, there will be a better environment for female citizens to develop in China."





London subway strike over pay rises sparks travel chaos


Approximately 20,000 workers of London's underground train network have staged a walk-out, causing widespread travel chaos in the British capital. The strike was called after London Underground and unions failed to agree a pay deal over the all-night service.


It’s called the night tube /with a 24 hour service including weekends operating with 5 lines from September. It’s meant to boost the nigh time economy. But the proposal has caused a total travel chaos in London.


As tens of thousands of London Underground workers plan to walk out for 24 hours later today, commuters in the capital are facing the worst Tube strike in more than a decade. Transport for London has warned that there will be no trains on the Tube from this afternoon through to Thursday evening. At the same time, First Great Western services also face disruption from Wednesday evening due to a 48-hour strike. The whole action has brought the entire transport network to a standstill.


Some of the four million people who use the service everyday had managed to leave work early today only to find stations already closed.


"Colleagues are going to work tomorrow..to avoid it...People travel from Heathrow will be affected definitely."


"The crew of the train has been asked to a new work practice which has not been appropriately negotiated with them. So I’m very supportive of the railway workers."


"It’s kind of frustrating. I work at Holborn. It’s nice to walk out. But make my feet tired."


London underground workers have been offered a 2% pay rise this year/ and £2,000 extra for drivers of the new all-night weekend service. Although it is supposed to kick in this September, at the moment, it looks like the project is slipping.
