新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List13:Unit6
日期:2015-06-30 10:02


【考法1】n. 大火:an intense fire
【例】A raginginferno posed a serious threat to the downwind villages. 肆虐的大火给下风向的村庄带来了严重的威胁
【近】conflagration, holocaust
【考法2】n. 地狱:a place or a state that resembles or suggests hell
【例】theinferno of war 地狱般的战场
【反】paradise,heaven, nirvana 天堂,乐土
【考法1】vt. 秘密潜入:to enter or take up positions in gradually or surreptitiously, asfor purposes of
espionage or takeover
【例】Theintelligence staff had been infiltrated by spies. 情报工作人员已经被间谍渗透了
【近】creep,insinuate, penetrate, sneak, slip
【反】abscond 潜逃
【派】infiltration n. 潜入,渗透
【考法1】adj. 无尽的,无限的:having no boundaries orlimits
【例】the ideaof an infinite universe 无限宇宙的概念
【近】endless,boundless, limitless, immeasurable, unfathomable
【反】finite 有限的;bounded, circumscribed,confined, definite, limited, restricted 有界限的,受限的
【派】infinityn. 无限
【考法1】adj. 虚弱的:weak in body, especially fromold age or disease
【例】her aging,infirm husband 她上了年纪、身体虚弱的丈夫
【近】debilitated, effete, enervated, feeble, frail, languid, sapped, unsubstantial
【反】hale,mighty, powerful, rugged, stalwart, stout, strong 强壮的,有力的
【考法2】adj. 不果断的,优柔寡断的:lacking firmness ofwill, character, or purpose
【例】She haslittle patience with the “infirm of purpose”. 她对那些优柔寡断的人没什么耐心
【近】faltering,irresolute, vacillating, wavering
【反】resolute 果断的
【考法1】v. 点燃:to set on fire
【例】Acarelessly tossed cigarette inflamed the papers in the trash can. 一只被随意丢弃的香烟点燃了垃圾桶中的纸
【近】enflame,enkindle, fire, ignite, kindle, light, torch
【反】douse,extinguish, quench, put out 熄灭,扑灭
【考法2】v. 使加剧:to make more violent
【例】Retaliation served only to inflame the feud. 冤冤相报何时了
【近】aggravate,enrage, exacerbate, intensify, ire, irritate, provoke, rile, vex
【反】assuage,mitigate, mollify, pacify, placate, subdue 平息
【考法1】adj. 不愉快的,不幸的:not happy; unfortunate
【例】aninfelicitous moment 不幸的时刻
【近】hapless,ill-fated, luckless, unfortunate, unhappy
【反】happy 幸运的,令人高兴的
【考法2】adj. 不适当的,不合时宜的:not appropriate orwell-timed
【例】made avery infelicitous remark 做出极不恰当的评价
【近】inappropriate, indecorous, inept, malapropos, unfit, unseemly
【反】apt,appropriate, becoming, proper 合适的
【派】infelicityn. 不恰当
【考法1】n. 涌入:a coming in
【例】Theyanticipated an influx of tourists next month. 他们预期下个月会有大批游客涌入
【近】affluence,flux, income, inflow, inpouring, inrush
【反】exodus 大批离去;outflow, outpouring 流出
【考法1】vt. 灌输,使…充满:to fill or cause to be filled with something
【例】Newmembers infused enthusiasm into the club. 新队员为俱乐部注入了激情
【近】endue,imbue, implant, ingrain, instill, permeate, suffuse, steep
【反】extract 提取
【考法2】vt. 鼓舞:inspire, animate
【例】a sense ofpurpose that infuses scientific researchers 给科学研究者打鸡血一般的使命感
【近】animate,exalt, motivate, stimulate
【派】infusionn. 注入
【考法1】vt. 激怒:to make furious
【例】beinfuriated by the deliberate insults 被蓄意的中伤激怒
【近】aggravate,enrage, exasperate, incense, ire, madden, umbrage
【反】appease,assuage, pacify, placate, propitiate 平息,安抚;delight, gratify, please 取悦,讨好
【派】infuriatedadj. 被激怒的
【考法1】adj. 聪明的,有创造才能的:marked by originality,resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception
or execution
【例】Ingeniousdesigners soon came up with a solution to the battery problem. 聪明的设计者们很快便提出了电池问题的解决方案
【近】artful,clever, imaginative, innovative, inventive, original
【反】awkward 笨拙的;uncreative, unimaginative 无创造力或想象力的
