新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List12:Unit2
日期:2015-06-16 09:45


【考法 1】 adj. 令人心碎的: causing intense sorrow or distress
【例】 a heartrending choice between saving his mother or his wife 先救老妈还是先救老婆的纠结选择
【考法 1】 n. 享乐主义: the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life
【例】 their spring break trip to Mexico became an exercise in heedless hedonism 他们春季的墨西哥之行成为了一次未加注意的享乐之旅
【近】 carnality, debauchery, sybaritism, voluptuousness
【反】 abstinence, asceticism, sobriety, temperance 禁欲,节制
【考法 1】 n. 霸权,统治权: preponderant influence or authority over others
【例】 battled for hegemony in Asia 争夺在亚洲地区的霸权地位
【近】 ascendancy, dominance, dominion, predominance, preeminence
【反】 lack of authority 缺少权利
【考法 1】 adj. 可憎的,十恶不赦的: hatefully or shockingly evil, abominable
【例】 a heinous crime 十恶不赦的罪行
【反】 commendable 值得赞美的
【考法 1】 vi. 遵守: confirm, adhere, to hold to something firmly as if by adhesion
【例】 hew to tradition 遵守传统
【近】 adhere, cling, conform
【考法 2】 v. 支持: to give steadfast support to
【例】 no longer was able to hew to the party line and so he switched political parties 不再赞同该党的纲领,他投奔了另一个党
【近】 cling to, keep to, stand by, stick to
【反】 defect from 脱离,叛变
【考法 1】 vt. 告知: to make known openly or publicly
【例】 herald the great tidings to all the world 将重大消息告知全世界
【近】 annunciate, broadcast, declare, enunciate, proclaim, promulgate
【考法 2】 v. 预示,预兆: to give a slight indication of beforehand
【例】 the reshuffle of the company's management heralded the sweeping changes to come 公司管理层的重新洗牌预示着即将到来的巨大变革
【近】 adumbrate, forerun, harbinger, prefigure
【考法 1】 n. 异教,和普遍观点相悖: a controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine, departure from a
generally accepted theory, opinion, or practice
【例】 the heresy of asserting that Shakespeare was not a great writer 声称莎士比亚不是伟大作家的非主流观

【近】 dissent, dissidence, heterodoxy, nonconformity
【反】 dogma, conformity, orthodoxy 正教
【考法 1】 adj. 异教的,异端的: departure from established beliefs or standards
【例】 the belief that women should be allowed to have careers outside the home was once considered heretical女人应该拥有自己的事业这一观点一度被认为是异端想法
【近】 heterodox, nonconformist, unconventional, unorthodox
【反】 conforming, conformist, conventional, orthodox 正统的
【考法 1】 adj. 深奥的: relating to or characterized by occultism or abstruseness
【例】 wrote hermetic poetry 写晦涩难懂的诗歌
【近】 abstruse, arcane, esoteric, recondite
【反】 easily comprehended, shallow, superficial 容易理解的,肤浅的
【考法 1】 n. 犹豫,不情愿: the quality or state of being hesitant, reluctance
【例】 sales figures for the month were up, as consumers began to overcome their hesitance about purchasing big-ticket items 月销售额有所上涨,因为消费者对于大件商品的购买由观望转向消费
【近】 faltering, indecision, irresolution, vacillation, wavering, wobbling
【反】 alacrity, impetuosity, inclination, willingness 冲动,乐意
