BEIJING - Though China saw a slight increase in the number of college applicants in 2014 after a five-consecutive year decline since 2009, this will go little way to relieve the college recruitment crisis.
college recruitment crisis是高校生源危机。
去年高考(the national college entrance exam)报考人数较前一年增加了27万人。
但是据中国教育在线周二发布的《2015年高招调查报告》(2015 College Recruitment Report)显示,全国各地高校招生计划已多年未完成(fail to hit their recruitment goal for years),形势不容乐观。
北京大部分高校连续4年未完成招生计划(fail to recruit enough freshmen)。
中国教育在线总编辑陈志文说,中国高校正在遭遇深度的生源危机(a deep crisis in enrollment)。生源危机暴露出大部分同校专业设置存在严重的趋同化现象(many colleges offer the same majors),导致毕业生就业困难(poor employment prospects),上大学吸引力减弱(colleges loosing their attractiveness)。
据统计,我国高等教育的毛入学率(the gross entrance ratio of higher education)已从2008年的23.3%上升到2013年的34.5%。
根据全球的普遍定义,高等教育毛入学率低于15%为精英教育(elite education),15%到50%为大众教育(mass education),超过50%为普及教育(universal education),高等教育的普及化会带来很多负面效应(negative effects)。