Chengde Mountain Resort and Outlying Temples
Natural features
The Mountain Resort in Chengde is one of the four most famous Chinese rdens and one of the largest and best-preserved imperial palaces outside Beijing. It used to be a summer resort and hunting ground for emperors of the Qing Dynasty(1644一1911).They also used the palace to organize martial art competitions and receive the elite of ethnic minority groups from around China.
The Mountain Resort is located in Chengde City,Hebei Province,covering an area of 564 square meters,almost half of Chengde's urban area. It is enclosed by a wall 10 400 meters long. Construction began in 1703 under the rule of Emperor Kang Xi and was completed in 1790 under the rule of Emperor Qian Long. It was a second political center apart from Beijing,for the emperor would stay here for about half a year to attend to political,military, ethnic,and foreign affairs. There are more than 100 buildings within the resort,which is divided into two sections: palace zone and garden zone. The Rehe(Jehol),the shortest river in the world, only 14. 7 kilometers long。runs through the resort. The gardens are superbly de- signed to take in the very best of various styled gardens,integrating the features of both the northern meadows and the southern waterscapes,in a layout of lake in the southeast, mountain in the northwest,and plain in the northeast.
避暑山庄位于河北承德市,占地564平方米,几乎是承德市区一半的面积,外围墙长10400米。避暑山庄于 I 703年康熙当朝的时候开始修建的1790乾隆年间完工。是清代在北京以外的第二政治中心。皇帝每年大约有一半时间要在这里度过,在这里处理重要的政治、军事、民族和外教等国家大事。山庄内有100多个建筑,分为两部分:宫殿区和花园区。世界上最短的河一热河只有14. 7千米流经山庄。该公园之所以设计出色是由于采纳吸收了各种园林风格的设计特色,融汇了江南水乡和北方草原的特色,形成了东南湖区、西北山区和东北平原区的布局。
In the outlying area, 11 magnificent temples stand on the hills in a semi-circle. As they were divided into eight sections under the administration of the Beijing-based Har- mony and Peace Lama- sery(a monastery for la- mas),they were usually referred to as the“Eight Outer Temples”.Only seven temples,including Puren Temple(Universal Humanity),Temple of Sumeru(Happiness and Longevity、and Puning Temple(Universal Tranquility)remain intact. They comprise the largest temple building complex existing in China. They were used by nobles of various ethnic minority groups who came to have an audience with the Qing emperors, and to reside and conduct religious activities. These temples,built on the elevating hill slopes,look grand and splendid. The wood engraved Buddha in the Puning Temple,22. 28 meters tall,is the largest of its kind in the world. Its waist measures 15 meters and it has 42 arms. Some 120 cubic meters of wood,weighing some 110 tons,were used to make the Buddha.
山庄外围11座宏伟的寺庙呈半圆形耸让在几座山上。这些寺庙在北京雍和宫的管辖下被分成了八个部分,因此它们通常被称为“外八庙”‘ 只有包括溥仁寺、须弥福之庙、普宁寺在内的七座庙宇至今保存完好。它们是中国现存的最大的庙宇建筑群。少数民族贵族在此和清朝皇上会面,并在此居住和举办宗教活动。这些建在山坡上的庙宇宏伟壮一观。普宁寺里的木雕佛像高22.28米。是世界上最大的木雕像,其腰围15米,有42条胳膊。建造这座雕像用去了大约120立方重达110吨的木材。
The buildings of the resort were all built in blue bricks and gray tiles that are traditional and plain,whereas its outlying temples are all roofed with glazed color tiles that looks grand,golden,luxury,and glorious.
The summer resort and the surrounding temples were placed on the world cultural heritage list in 1994.