中英双语话中国城市 第37期:上海的自然概况
日期:2015-06-05 13:19


Shanghai,Hu for short,is situated on the estuary of Yangtze River of China. It is the largest industrial city in China, covering an area of 5 823.5 square kilometers,Shanghai has a population of 18.7 million, including 2 million floating population.
上海市,简称沪,是中央四个直辖市之一,也是中国最大的工商业城市。它位于长江三角洲前缘,总面积 5 823. 5平方公里,总人口为1 870万,其中包括 200万流动人口。
Among the population,people from 44 ethnic minorities are included,the rate of which is about 0. 47% of the city total. The number of the Hui is the largest among the ethnic population with the rate of about 3 .86% of the city total. There are altogether 20 districts and counties in Shanghai Municipality.
上海市总人口中包括来自44个少数民族的居民,约占全市人口总数的0. 47%; 其中回族最多,占全市总人口的 3. 86%左右。上海市辖20个区和县。

Shanghai belongs to the monsoon climate of the north subtropical zone. The four seasons are distinctive,with sufficient sunshine and plenty of rainfall. General1y,climate in Shanghai is mild and moist,spring and autumn are shorter while winter and summer are longer.There are 3 islands within Shanghai area: Chongming lsland and Hengsha lsland. Chongming lsland covers an area of 1041 .21 sq. km. It is the third largest island in China.
上海属北亚热带季风性气候,四季分明,日照充分,雨量充沛。总起来说,上海气候温和湿润,春秋较短,冬夏较长。上海境内辖有崇明、长兴、横沙三个岛屿,其中崇明岛面积 1 041.21平方公里,是我国的第三大岛。
The largest city in China,Shanghai contains the most striking blend of oriental and western cultures and of the past and present. In this city,European-style buildings can be seen standing alongside typical Chinese structures and ancient tem-pies. Modern ocean-going vessels sail past junks. A flourishing commercial and industrial center, Shanghai has become a real Pearl in the East of the world. Shanghai is a city with the best quality of life in China today.
