中英双语话中国旅游 第68期:上海自然概况(2)
日期:2015-08-18 15:44


Special Mention

The Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China

As a renowned historical attraction of Shanghai,the Site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China has received 10 million visitors from home and abroad since its opening 50 years ago,with attendance rising to I .8 million visitors in recent years after rebuilt in 1999. Situated at No. 76 Xingye Road,next to Shanghai Xintiandi,a fashionable pedestrian area,the two-story Shikumen building was completed in 1920 as the residence of two Communist Party memtiers. On July 23,1921,thirteen members held their first national congress of the Communist Party of China here,marking the birth of the Party.
作为上海的著名历史景点,中国产党第一次全国代表大会会址开放五十年便接待了国内外1千多万游客。1999年重建后,近年来的参观游客已上升至1千8 百万。一大会址位于兴业路76号,紧挨养新潮的步行区“上海新大地”。这是幢建于1920年的石库门楼房,是当时出席大会的上海代表李汉俊和他哥的寓所。1921年7月23 日,13名代表在这举行了中国共产党第一次全国代表大会,标志着中国共产党的诞生。


In the living room on the first floor where the congress was held,everything is placed as it was 87 years ago. The articles copied from the originals create an imposing atmosphere in this 18-square-meter(194 sq. ft) little room. Upstairs is an exhibition hall of 450 square meters(4 860 sq. ft),with more than one hundred revolutionary relics,documents,and photos on display. The exhibits cover the history of the Party's birth,the blooming of nation-wide communist teams,photos of the thirteen members,etc..In addition .a waxworks hall inside vividly reproduces the scene of this significant meeting. The other twelve members listen and smile as Mao Zedong,founder of the PRC,makes his speech. Lifelike,the wax figures seem to make time stand still,bringing people back to that exciting moment.
