新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List10:Unit8
日期:2015-05-22 09:59


forge .
【考法 1】 v. 伪造: to make or imitate falsely especially with intent to defraud
【例】 The boy forged his father's signature on his transcript. 小男孩在他的成绩单上伪造了父亲的签名
【近】 coin, counterfeit, fabricate, fake
【考法 2】 v. 锻造,铸就: to form (as metal) by or as if by heating and hammering
【例】a real man forged by adversity 一个经磨难考验而成的纯爷们‖They agreed to forge closer economic and political ties. 他们就打造双边的紧密政治经济联系达成了共识
【近】build, construct, form, make, manufacture, mold, shape
【派】 forger n. 打铁匠
【考法 1】 adj. 令人害怕的: causing fear, dread, or apprehension
【例】 a nation that possesses formidable nuclear deterrence 一个拥有可怕核威慑力量的国家
【近】 direful, dreadful, fearsome, forbidding, ghastly, horrible, intimidating, redoubtable, terrifying
【反】 comforting 给人安慰的
【考法 2】 adj. 艰难的: requiring considerable physical or mental effort
【例】 running a marathon is a formidable undertaking 跑马拉松是个困难的任务‖They have recently made a formidable decision. 他们最近做出了一个艰难的决定
【近】 arduous, challenging, demanding, exacting, grueling, heavy, laborious, sweaty, toilsome, tough, strenuous
【反】 easy, effortless, facile, mindless, simple 轻松的,简单的
【考法 1】 adj. 直率的,说话率真的: free in expressing one's true feelings and opinions
【例】 her forthright way of dealing with people 她率真的为人处事方式
【近】 candid, forthcoming, frank, honest, open, outspoken, straightforward
【反】 dissembling 虚伪的
【考法 2】 adj. 直接的,不绕弯子的: free from ambiguity or evasiveness: going straight to the point
【例】 was forthright in appraising the problem 直截了当地评价这个问题
【近】 direct, plain, straight
【反】 circuitous, indirect, roundabout 不直接的,绕弯子的
【考法 1】 vt. 加固,鼓励: to give physical strength, courage, or endurance to
【例】 This country will fortify the coastal areas. 这个国家要加强沿海地区的防御
【近】 energize, harden, invigorate, reinforce, strengthen, toughen
【反】 debilitate, enervate, enfeeble, vitiate, weaken 使衰弱,削弱
【考法 2】 vt. 做好心理准备: to prepare (oneself) mentally or emotionally
【例】 She fortified herself for the incoming tennis tournament with a series of confidence-boosting exercises.她通过一系列练习赛来找自信,为即将到来的网球锦标赛做好心理准备
【近】 brace, forearm, gird, nerve, poise, ready, steel
【考法 1】 vt. 促进,鼓励: to help the growth or development of
【例】 detect and foster artistic talent 发现并培养艺术天分
【近】 advance, encourage, forward, further, incubate, promote
【反】 discourage, frustrate, inhibit 阻碍,妨碍
【考法 2】 vt. 培养: to bring to maturity through care and education
【例】 a greathearted couple fostering two adopted children as well as their own 对两个养子像自己的孩子一样培养的好心夫妇
【近】 breed, cultivate, nourish, nurse, nurture, raise, rear
【考法 1】 n. 建立者: one that founds or establishes
【例】 founders of the nation 国父们
【近】 architect, author, creator, father, generator, initiator, originator, sire
【反】 terminator 终结者
【考法 2】 vi. 完败: to fail utterly
【例】 The theater company foundered after its corporate funding dried up. 在其基金告罄之后,这个戏剧公司彻底失败了
【近】 collapse, flunk, miss, strike out, wash out
【反】 succeed, work out 成功
【考法 3】 vi. 沉没:to become submerged
【例】The ship struck a reef and foundered. 船因触礁而沉没
【近】sink, submerge, submerse, go down
【反】float 漂浮
【考法 1】 n. 争吵,吵闹: a physical dispute between opposing individuals or groups; a rough and often noisy
fight usually involving several people
【例】 The police were called in to break up the fracas.警察奉命去制止骚乱
【近】 battle, clash, combat, conflict, contest, hassle, skirmish, struggle, tussle
【考法 1】 n. 破裂: the act or process of breaking
【例】 a sudden fracture of the established order 已建立起的秩序被突然打破
【近】 breach, break, rupture, schism, split
【反】unity 统一
【考法 2】 v. 打碎,破坏: to cause to separate into pieces usually suddenly or forcibly
【例】 Their happiness was fractured by an unforeseen tragedy. 他们的幸福生活被突如其来的悲剧打破了
【近】 disrupt, fragment, rive
【反】 cement 接合
【考法 1】 adj. 易碎的: easily broken or destroyed
【例】 a fragile piece of glass 一块易碎的玻璃
【近】 breakable, feeble, frail, friable, frangible, infirm, unsound, weak
【反】 tough, durable 抗打击的
【考法 2】 adj. 易受伤的,脆弱的: easily injured without careful handling
【例】 Babies are extremely fragile, so remember to care for them gently. 小孩子特别容易受伤,所以要记得温
【近】 delicate, sensitive
【派】 fragility n. 脆弱
【考法 1】 adj. 虚弱的: physically weak
【例】 Working for three days without any sleep made him extremely frail. 连续三天的彻夜工作使他极为虚弱
【近】 weak, effete, enervated, feeble, fragile, infirm, languid, unsubstantial
【反】 robust 充满活力的
hale, sturdy 健壮的
【考法 2】 adj. (意志)薄弱的: easily led astray; morally weak
【例】 frail and pathetic humanity 容易误入歧途的可悲人性
【近】 characterless, invertebrate, nerveless, spineless
【反】 faithful, resolute 意志坚定的,有坚定信念的
【考法 3】 adj. (希望)渺茫的: slight, unsubstantial
【例】 a frail hope of success 成功的机会渺茫
【近】 fragile, negligible, slight, small
【反】 good 很有希望的
【派】 frailty n. 虚弱,(意志)脆弱
