中英双语话中国城市 第30期:长春的历史沿革
日期:2015-05-28 11:39


Changchun is a place with rich soil. As early as 40 000 years ago,there was mankind living and multiplying here. In 1951,a group of mammal fossils (or fossils of human bones) were found in Yushu City of Changchun area. The excavation showed that human beings in ancient times had already entered the homo sapience stage here in Changchun and they belonged to the Late Old Stone Period and Early Maternal Clan Society. In 1984,a human inhabitancy site of the Neolithic Age was found in Nongan County which proved that the primitive agriculture had been already very developed,and people then had mastered primitive textile technology and entered the era of putting on clothing.
这里是一片沃土。远在40 000年前就有人类在此生息繁衍。1951年,在长春地区的榆树市发现了哺乳动物(或者说是人骨化石)化石。这些出土文物证明,早在远古时代,在长春这片土地上的古代人类就已进入了智人阶段,属旧石器晚期,母系氏族社会初期。1984年,在农安县发现一处新石器时代人类的居住遗址,它证明了长春那个时候的原始农业已很发达,并掌握了原始纺织技术,已进人着装时代。

Changchun was first settled more than 1 000 years ago. But it did not develop much until the turn of the last century.
