中英双语话中国城市 第12期:石家庄的地方特色
日期:2015-05-10 15:30


The tourist resources in Shijiazhuang are abundant. There are 18 key cultural relics under state protection,105 under provincial protection and more than 240 are under municipal or County-level protection. There are as many as 1 200 historic relics and scenic sites of various kinds here in Shijiazhuang,among which,2 national-level scenic spots:Cang Yan Shan(Dark Green Rock Mountain) and Zhangshi Yan( Screen-Pike Rock Mountain),2 provincial scenic spots:Fenglong Shan(Dragon-sealing Mountain)and Tianzhu Shan(Heavenly Posts Mountain).Apart from that, it also has the national historical and cultural city-Zhengding,the provincial historical and cultural county-Zhaoxian,as well as 4 provincial travel re-sorts,1 national-level Forest Parks,7 provincial Forest Parks,6 Patriotism Education Bases both national-level and provincial. Its unique provincial capital position and prosperous trade and business have offered very good conditions for extending commercial exhibitions and tourism at present and will do even better in the future.
石家庄市旅游资源丰富。全市现有国家级重点文物保护单位18处,省级重点文物保护单位105处,市、县级重点文物保护单位240余处。各类文物景点多达1 200余处。有国家级风景名胜区2处(苍岩山、嶂石岩);省级风景名胜区2处(封龙山、天桂山);还拥有国家历史文化名城 — 正定,省历史文化名县—赵县;以及省级旅游度假村4处(蟠龙湖、苍岩山、温塘、嶂石岩),国家级森林公园一处(五岳寨),省级森林公园7处(仙台山、驼梁、南寺掌、赤支、龙州湖、西柏坡等),国家和省爱国主义教育基地6处。其独特的省会地位、繁荣的商贸形势更为石家庄发展商贸会展旅游提供了很好的条件,而且会越来越好。
