Shenyang is a celebrated old city with more than 2 300 years of history which can be traced back to Warring States Period. It is the birthplace of the Qing Dynasty,and has many cultural relics which symbolize the prosperity and subsequent decline of China's last feudal dynasty. The most famous of these is the Shenyang Imperial Palace,which is of great historic and artistic significance and second only to the Forbidden City in Beijing in the extent of its preservation. Fuling Tomb,Zhaoling Tomb and Yongling Tomb are three other famous imperial structures of the Qing Dynasty.
Shenyang is a well-known cultural city with a long history. It gained its present name because it lies in the north of Gushers Shui River (Hunhe River Tributary).Being one of the origins of the Chinese nation,the area of Shenyang has accumulated the early culture of the Liaohe River basin.
Research of the relic of Xinle shows that there was the mankind to multiply and Live here in the Neolithic Age 7 200 years ago. Since the setting up of the city of Hou in 229 BC,the history of Shenyang as a city has been already nearly 2 300 years. In the year of 1625,the state of later Jin founded by Nu Er Ha Chi,the founder of Qing Dynasty, moved its capital here and renamed the city as Sheng Jing. In 1636,Emperor Taiji turned the original title of the stale into“Qing",and thus set up the Qing Dynasty. In 1644,the Qing's army entered the Pass and made Beijing its capital,regarding Sheng Jing as the second capital. Therefore,Shenyang Palace,which was used as the imperial palace in the early Qing Dynasty,is one of the two existing intact imperial buildings in China.
据对新乐遗址考证,在7 200年前的新石器时代就有人类在此繁衍生息。从公元前229年设立侯城起,沈阳的建城史已近2 300年。1625年,清太祖努尔哈赤建立的后金迁都于此,更名盛京。1636年,皇太极在此改国号为“清”,建立清王朝。1644年,清军入关定都北京后,以盛京为陪都。清初皇宫所在地一沈阳故宫,是中国仅存的两个完整皇宫建筑群之一。