新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List9:Unit10
日期:2015-05-14 10:43


【考法 1】 vi. 感到欢喜: to rejoice especially with feelings or display of triumph or self-satisfaction
【例】 exult in a triumph 沉浸在胜利的喜欢当中
【近】 delight, glory, jubilate, joy, rejoice, triumph
【反】 lament, mourn 哀悼;bemoan 叹息,悲伤
【派】 exultant adj. 狂喜的
【考法 1】 n. 寓言故事: a story intended to teach a basic truth or moral about life
【例】 This classic Christmas film is essentially a fableshowing how every person's life has meaning. 这 部经典的基督教电影本质上来说是一个寓言,它告诉我们每个人的生命都是有意义的
【近】 apologue, parable
【考法 2】 n. 神话,传说: a legendary story of supernatural happenings
【例】 According to an ancient fable, the waters of the mountain spring are the tears of a woman weeping for her
lost children. 根据一个古老的传说,这条山中的泉水是一名失去孩子的母亲所流下的眼泪
【近】 legend, mythos, tale
【考法 3】 n. 谎言: a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceive
【例】 The stories of lost cities of gold may have been fables deliberately concocted by Native Americans to dupe the Spanish. 所谓的"失落的黄金之都"的故事也许只是美洲土著们杜撰出来忽悠西班牙人的
【近】 fabrication, falsehood, lie, mendacity, prevarication, story
【反】 fact 事实;truth 真相
【派】 fabulous adj. 寓言般的,难以置信的
【考法 1】 vt. 捏造: to make up for the purpose of deception
【例】 be accused of fabricating evidence 被指控有捏造证据的行为
【近】 concoct, coin, devise, forge, fake, feign, invent
【考法 2】 vt. 搭建,组建;打造: to bring into being by combining, shaping, or transforming materials
【例】 The house was essentially fabricated at the factory and then shipped to the site for assembly. 这 间 房
屋的核心主体在工厂内建好之后,它被运往目的地直接进行组装‖All the key parts are fabricated from high quality
titanium alloy. 所有的关键零件都是由上好的钛合金打造的
【近】 assemble, construct, erect, frame, fashion, manufacture, produce, rear, set up
【反】 demount, disassemble, dismantle, dismember 拆解,拆毁
【派】 fabrication n. 组建;虚构的事物
【考法 1】 adj. 喜欢开玩笑的,轻浮的: joking or jesting often inappropriately
【例】 Stop being facetious! This is the life-and-death moment. 别开玩笑了!这可是生死攸关的时刻
【近】 humorous, jocose, jocular, waggish, witty
【反】 earnest, sincere 真挚的,真诚的;lugubrious 哀怨的
【考法 1】 adj.表面的,浅尝辄止的:having or showing a lack of depth of understanding or character
【例】 propose a facile solution to a complex problem 给一个复杂的问题提议一个肤浅的解决方案
【近】 cursory, shallow, simplistic, superficial
【反】 deep, profound 深刻的;comprehensive, exhaustive 全面的,详尽的
【考法 2】 adj.容易的,唾手可得的: easily accomplished or attained
【例】 a facile victory 一场轻松易得的胜利
【近】 cheap, easy, effortless, painless, royal
【反】 arduous, demanding, difficult, formidable, hard, laborious, toilsome, tough 费力的,困难的
【考法 1】 vt. 使变容易,促进: to make easy or easier
【例】 The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism. 新建机场促进了旅游业的发展。
【近】 ease, expedite, forward, further, help
【反】 check, hamper, handicap, hinder, impede, obstruct, thwart, retard 阻碍,阻止;complicate 复杂化
【派】 facility n. 设施;容易,方便
【考法 1】 n. 派系: a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking
【例】 affiliated with one faction 附属于某个党派‖North-Ocean Faction 北洋派
【近】 bloc, body, clique, coalition, sect, wing
【派】 factional adj.派系的,派别的
【考法 1】 adj. 谬误的,不合逻辑的: containing or based on a fallacy
【例】 the once-common fallacious claim that girls just weren't any good at math 曾经广为流传的一个谬论:女孩子无论如何就是学不好数学
【近】 illogical, invalid, irrational, mad, reasonless, sophistic, unreasonable
【反】 sound 论证有力的;valid 合乎逻辑的
【考法 2】 adj. 欺骗性的: tending to deceive or mislead
【例】 fallacious testimony 不真实的证词
【近】 beguiling, deceiving, deceptive, deluding, delusive, delusory, false, fraudulent, misleading
【反】 authentic, veritable 真实的
【派】 fallacy n.逻辑谬误
【考法 1】 adj. 休耕的: left untilled or unsown after plowing
【例】 The field was lying fallow. 那田地正在休耕中
【近】 untilled, uncultivated
【考法 2】 adj. 闲置的: not being in a state of use, activity, or employment
【例】 The coal mine has been lying fallow since the drop in prices made it unprofitable. 自从煤价下跌造成亏
【近】 dead, dormant, inert, inoperative, latent, unused, vacant
【反】 functioning, occupied, operative, running, working 使用中的;active 活跃的
【考法 1】 n. 保险措施: a measure taken to preclude loss or injury
【例】 There are so many fail-safes built into the system that a highly unlikely series of mistakes would have to be
made before failure could occur. 系统中嵌入了大量的保险措施,因此在系统崩溃之前,必须要发生一系列几乎
【近】 caution, palladium, preventive, safeguard
【考法 2】 adj. 万无一失的: having no chance of failure
【例】 a fail-safe device 自动防故障装置‖Men have traditionally regarded flowers as the fail-safe gift for
Valentine's Day. 男士们长期以来认为鲜花是情人节永远不会错的礼物
【近】 certain, foolproof, sure, unfailing
【反】 fallible 容易犯错的