新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List9:Unit6
日期:2015-05-10 10:31


【考法 1】 v. 严厉批评: to criticize harshly and usually publicly
【例】 She was excoriated as a racist. 她被指责是一个种族歧视者。
【近】 abuse, assail, belabor, castigate, excoriate, lambaste, vituperate
【反】 accolade, extol, flatter, praise lavishly 赞扬
【考法 1】 vt. 排泄: to separate and discharge (waste matter) from the blood, tissues, or organs
【例】 excrete sweat 排汗
【反】 absorb, ingest 吸收
【考法 1】 vt. 折磨,使痛苦: to inflict severe pain on; torture
【例】 She has long been excruciated by a persistent pain in her back. 她长久以来被背痛折磨
【近】 agonize, anguish, plague, rack, torment, torture, harrow
【反】 exult 使欢跃
【考法 1】 vt. 声明无罪;开脱,使无罪: to clear from alleged fault or guilt
【例】 I have gathered evidence that will exculpate my client. 我已经搜集到能够证明委托人无罪的证据了。
【近】 absolve, acquit, clear, exonerate, vindicate
【反】 attribute guilt, inculpate, indict, criminate, incriminate 归罪,控告
【考法 1】 adj. 离题的;散漫的: passing from one topic to another
【例】 an excursive story line that some readers of Melville's novel find very rewarding 一些梅尔维尔小说的
【近】 desultory, digressive, meandering, rambling, wandering
【考法 1】 v. 谴责: to declare to be morally wrong or evil
【例】 leaders from all over the world execrated the terrorists responsible for the bomb blast 世界各 国首 脑强
【近】 anathematize, censure, decry, denounce, reprehend, reprobate
【反】 bless 保佑
【考法 2】 v. 痛恨: to dislike strongly
【例】 execrates anyone who would physically abuse children or animals 痛恨那些虐待儿童和动物的人
【近】 abhor, abominate, despise, detest, loathe
【反】 love 爱
【考法 1】 adj. 榜样的,值得效仿的: constituting, serving as, or worthy of being a pattern to be imitated
【例】 as a hospital volunteer he has given exemplary service to his community 他作为医疗志愿者为社区起到
【近】 monitory, archetypal, imitable, paradigmatic, quintessential
【派】 exemplify v. (通过榜样)示范,显示: to show or illustrate by example
【考法 2】 adj. 作为警告的: serving as or offering a warning
【例】 armies have traditionally used public execution as an exemplary punishment for the crime of desertion
【近】 admonishing, admonitory, monitory, premonitory, warning
【考法 1】 vt. 使免除: to release or deliver from some liability or requirement to which others are subject
【例】 a man exempted from military service 免服军役的人
【考法 1】 vt. 耗尽: to consume entirely, : to make complete use of
【例】 exhausted our funds in a week 在一周内就耗尽了我们的经费
【近】 consume, devour, drain, expend, spend, use up
【派】 exhaustive adj. 彻底的,完整的,详尽的:testing all possibilities; thorough;complete
【例】 conduct an exhaustive investigation 做详尽的调查
【反】 incomplete, partial 不完全的
【考法 2】 vt. 使筋疲力尽: to wear out completely
【例】 exhausted by overwork 加班使得筋疲力尽
【近】 fatigue, frazzle, harass, wear out, weary, knock out
【考法 1】 vt. 使高兴;使兴奋: to make cheerful and excited
【例】 be exhilarated by her success 为她的成功感到兴奋
【近】 electrify, galvanize, intoxicate, pump up, turn on
【反】 sadden, depress 使悲哀,使沮丧
【派】 exhilarating adj. 令人兴奋的
【反】 soporific 昏昏欲睡的
