新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List7:Unit9
日期:2015-04-07 11:42



【考法1】vt. 仔细分析:to examine, analyze, or criticize in minute detail

【例】dissectsome basic problems in mathematics analysis 仔细分析一些数学分析的基本问题|| let's dissect

the plot of this thriller to see what makesit thrilling. 让我们来仔细分析一下这个恐怖电影为什么恐怖。


【考法2】vt. 切成片(尤其是为了解剖研究):to cut apart or separate (tissue),especially for anatomical study

【例】dissectthe brain of Einstein 解剖爱因斯坦的大脑

【近】anatomize,assay, break down


【考法1】v. 用假象隐藏真相,掩饰:to put on a false appearance

【例】dissemblefear with a smile 用微笑来掩饰恐惧|| He dissembled happiness at the news that his

ex-girlfriend was getting married tosomeone else. 他对其他人假装高兴听到前女友结婚的消息。

【近】dissimulate, affect, assume, bluff, counterfeit, fake, sham

【反】behavehonestly 表现诚恳


【考法1】vt. 散播,传播:to spread abroad; promulgate

【例】disseminate Marxism-Leninism 传播马列主义|| The Internet allows us to disseminate information faster.


【近】broadcast,circulate, propagate

【反】gather,amass, garner 收集


【考法1】n. 意见不合:difference of opinion; disagreement

【例】Althoughwe have dissension, we are friend all the same. 虽然我们意见不和,但我们还是朋友。|| There

is a continued dissension among historianson the exact spot of Columbus's first landing. 关于哥伦布第一次的


【近】conflict,disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence,dissonance, disunion,

disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism,strife

【反】accord,agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity 不和谐,不一致


【考法1】v. 持异议,不同意:to differ in opinion

【例】I dissentfrom what you said. 我不同意你说的话。|| Anyone who dissented was encouraged to speak

out while they had the chance. 谁有异议得到机会都可以发言。

【近】differ,disagree, nonconcur

【反】agree,assent, concur 同意

【考法2】n. 反对正统:departure from a generally accepted theory, opinion, or practice

【例】The churchreacted to any form of dissent by promptly excommunicating its proponents. 教 堂 会 立 即


【近】heterodoxy, nonconformity

【反】conformity遵从;orthodoxy 正统

【考法3】n. 不和谐:a lack of agreement or harmony

【近】conflict,disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence,dissonance, disunion,

disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism,strife

【反】accord,agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity 不和谐,不一致


【考法1】vt. 驱散:to drive away; disperse.

【例】The windfinally dissipated the smoke. 风终于吹散了雾气。

【近】disband,dispel, disperse, scatter

【反】accumulate, gather, amass, cluster, assemble, concentrate, congregate 积聚

【考法2】vt. 浪费:to spend or expend intemperately or wastefully: squander

【例】dissipatetoo much time and effort 挥霍了太多的时间与精力

【近】waste,squander, lavish

【反】conserve 节省

【考法3】vi. 放纵:to indulge in the intemperate pursuit of pleasure, especially : todrink to excess 【近】indulge


【考法1】adj. 放荡的,无节制的:lacking moral restraint;indulging in sensual pleasures or vices.

【例】lead adissolute life 过着放荡无节制的生活

【近】dissipated, libertine, rakish, reprobate

【反】abstinent,abstemious, temperate, ascetic, stoic, spartan, self-denying 自制节制的;pure, uncorrupt,

uncorrupted 纯洁的,未堕落的


【考法1】v. 溶解,融化:to cause to pass into solution; to reduce (solid matter) to liquidform; melt

【例】Sugardissolves in the water. 糖在水中溶解


【反】coagulate,solidify, freeze 凝结,凝固,结冰

【考法2】vt. 解散:to break into component parts; disintegrate

【近】disintegrate, disband, break up

【反】consolidate, unify 使联合

【考法3】v. 消失:to cease to be visible; to cease to exist

【例】The mistdissolved in the morning sun. 雾消失在朝阳中。

【近】dematerialize, vanish

【反】appear 出现;materialize 使实物化

【考法4】v. 废除,撤销:to put an end to by formal action

【例】The kingdissolved parliament. 国王废除了议会

【近】terminate,abrogate, annul, cancel, disannul, invalidate, negate, null, nullify, repeal,rescind


【考法1】n.不和谐,刺耳:a harsh, disagreeable combination of sounds; discord

【例】cognitivedissonance 认识上的分歧||Dissonance among the three partners doomed the project. 三


【近】conflict,disaccord, discordance, discordancy, disharmony, dissent, dissidence,dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, friction, inharmony, schism,strife

【反】accord,agreement, concord, concordance, harmony, consensus, unanimity 不和谐,不一致


【考法1】vt. 劝阻,反对:to deter(a person) from a course of action or a purpose by persuasion or exhortation

【例】dissuadesb. from (doing) sth 劝阻/反对某人做某事|| Herparents tried to dissuade her from her

intention to drop out of college. 她的父母劝她不要退学。

【近】deter,dissuade, inhibit

【反】encourage 鼓励;persuade 说服
