【考法 1】 v. 逐渐增长: to grow or increase gradually, as by addition
【例】 silt accreting at the mouth of the river 泥沙在河口淤积
【近】 accumulate, build up, pile (up), stack (up)
【反】 wear away, reduction in substance caused by erosion 侵蚀,减少
【派】 accretion n. 慢慢增加
【考点 1】 vi. 逐渐增长: to increase gradually in quantity or number
【例】 accumulate a fortune 积攒了一笔财富
【近】 mount, swell, garner, snowball, build up, bulk (up)
【反】 dissipate, diminish, dwindle, recede, wane 消散,减少
【考法 1】 adj. 酸涩的心情、心境或者语调: marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings
【例】 acerbic commentary 尖酸的评论
【近】 pungent, sardonic, satiric, scalding, scathing
【反】 sweet, saccharin 甜的,糖精(甜)
【派】 acerbity n. 酸
【考法 1】 n. 顶点,极点: the highest point or stage, as of achievement or development
【例】 the acme of his career 他事业的巅峰
【近】 culmination, pinnacle, tip-top, high-water mark
【反】 bottom, nadir, rock bottom 最低点
【考法 2】 n. 最佳典范: the most perfect type or example
【例】 a movie that has come to be regarded as the acme of the Hollywood musical 这部影片被认为是好莱坞
【近】 apotheosis, epitome, exemplar
【考法 1】 v. 勉强同意;默许: to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
【例】 acquiesce to my own fleecing 默许我的敲竹杠行为
【近】 assent, consent, subscribe, come round
【反】 resist, defy, dissent 抵制,不同意
【考法 1】 adj. 辛辣的,刺鼻的: sharp and harsh or unpleasantly pungent in taste or odor : irritating
【例】 acrid smell of tobacco 烟草刺鼻的味道
【考点 2】 adj. 刻薄的: marked by the use of wit that is intended to cause hurt feelings
【例】 acrid temper 刻薄的性情
【反】 gentle 温和的
【考法 1】 adj. 刻薄的,充满仇恨的: having or showing deep-seated resentment
【例】 the acrimonious debate between the two candidates 候选人之间言辞激烈的辩论
【近】 embittered, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore
【考法 1】 n. 不同寻常的洞察力和鉴别力: exceptional discernment and judgment especially in practical
【例】 the business acumen 商业方面的洞察力
【近】 keenness, shrewdness, canniness, clear-sightedness, hardheadedness
【反】 unable to discerning 不能辨别的
【考法 1】 adj. 敏锐的: marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception especially of subtle distinctions,
【例】 an acute thinker 思维敏锐的思想者
【近】 delicate, fine, keen, perceptive, sensitive
【考法 2】 adj. 严重的,急性的: needing immediate attention
【例】 acute appendicitis 急性阑尾炎
【近】 exigent, imperative, compelling, urgent
【反】 mild, noncritical, nonurgent 轻微的,不严重的
【考法 3】 adj. (程度、影响)极强: extreme in degree, or effect
【例】 experiencing acute distress over the misunderstanding with her best friend 因误会她的死党陷入了深
【近】 dreadful, excruciating, profound
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【反】 light, moderate, soft 程度温和的
【考法 1】 adj. 固执的,不可动摇的:unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion,
unyielding; inflexible
【例】 adamant about staying here 执意留下来
【近】 hardheaded, headstrong, intransigent, pertinacious, obdurate, uncompromising
【反】 vacillatory, incline to yield, amenable, compliant, relenting, yielding 动摇的,易屈从的