新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List2:Unit3
日期:2015-02-10 14:42



【考法 1】 adj. 预言的,启示的:of a revelatory or prophetic nature

【例】No one listened to her apocalyptic predictions. 没有人听她的预言。

【近】prophetic, predictive, prognostic, farsighted

【考法 2】 adj. 重要的,转折点的 of, relating to, or being a major turning point

【例】the apocalyptic Battle of Stalingrad leading to the ultimate defeat of Nazi Germany 具有转折点意义的斯大


【反】trivial, petty, minor, immaterial, inconsequential, insignificant 不重要的

【考法 3】 adj. 夸大的 wildly unrestrained : grandiose

【例】apocalyptic tone 夸大的语气


【考法 1】 adj.假的:of doubtful authenticity : spurious

【例】an apocryphal story about the president's childhood 一个假的关于总统童年的故事

【近】spurious, unauthentic, ungenuine

【反】factual, true, truthful, authentic 真的


【考法 1】 adj. 极度愤怒的:extremely angry; furious

【例】He became apoplectic about wasteful government spending. 他对于政府的浪费开销变得怒不可遏。

【例】The coach was so apoplectic when the player missed the free throw that he threw his clipboard onto the

court. 教练对球员罚篮不进非常气愤以至于把战术板扔到了球场上。

【近】choleric, enraged, furious, incensed, indignant, infuriated, irate, ireful, outraged

【反】angerless, delighted, pleased 不生气的,高兴的


【考法 1】 n. 放弃宗教信仰:renunciation of a religious faith

【例】Some people completely abandon the faith after apostasy. 有些人在放弃自己的宗教信仰后就再也不相信


【考法 2】 n. 变节,背叛:abandonment of a previous loyalty : defection

【例】He was looked down upon for apostasy. 他因为背叛而受到鄙视。

【近】defection, perfidy, treacherousness, recreancy

【反】fidelity, allegiance, loyalty, piety 忠诚,虔诚


【考法 1】 vt. 使惊恐:to overcome with consternation, shock, or dismay

【例】He felt appalled by the whole idea of marriage so we broke up. 结婚使他恐惧,因此我们分手了。

【近】dismay, terrify, intimidate, frighten, horrify, daunt, deter

【反】embolden, encourage, nerve 使大胆,鼓起勇气


【考法 1】 n. 申请:an application (as to a recognized authority) for corroboration, vindication, or decision

【例】A piteous appeal for help. 虔诚的请求帮助。

【例】to make an appeal to the public to donate needed blood 向公众提出献血请求

【近】adjuration, conjuration, entreaty, petition, pleading, supplication

【考法 1】 n. 起诉 to charge with a crime : accuse

【例】My lawyer said the court's decision wasn't correct and that we should file for an appeal. 我的律师说法庭的


【近】charge, accuse, incriminate, inculpate, indict

【反】absolve 赦免;exonerate, exculpate 开脱免罪;vindicate 辩护


【考法 1】 adj. 吸引人的 attractive, inviting

【例】The large salary made Goldman Sachs’s offer more appealing to him. 高薪使高盛的工作对他更有吸引力。

【近】alluring, captivating, charismatic, charming, enchanting, engaging, entrancing, luring, seductive

【反】repellent, repelling, repugnant, repulsive, unalluring 令人厌恶的,不吸引人的


【考法 1】 n. 鼓掌,认可:approval publicly expressed (as by clapping the hands)

【例】Her appearance was greeted with applause. 她的表现赢得了认可。

【近】acclamation, cheer, cheering, ovation, plaudit, rave

【反】hissing, booing 发出嘘声


【考法 1】 adj. 相关的,合适的 highly pertinent or appropriate: apt

【例】to enrich his essay with some very apposite quotations from famous people 用名人名言来丰富他的文章

【近】appliacable, apropos, germane, pointed, relative, relevant

【反】extraneous, irrelevant, impertinent, irrelative, pointless 无关的


【考法 1】 adj. 可感知的,明显的:capable of being perceived or measured; perceptible

【例】the appreciable changes in temperature 气温明显的变化

【例】There doesn't seem to be any appreciable difference between this piece and that one. 这个和那个看上去


【近】apprehensible, perceptible, detectable, discernible, palpable, distinguishable, sensible

【反】impalpable, imperceptible, inappreciable, indistinguishable, insensible, undetectable 不能感知的

  • defeatn. 败北,挫败 vt. 战胜,击败
  • truthfuladj. 诚实的,真实的
  • absolvevt. 宣告 ... 无罪,赦免
  • capableadj. 有能力的,足以胜任的,有 ... 倾向的
  • frightenvt. 使惊吓,惊恐 vi. 惊吓
  • unrestrainedadj. 无限制的,放纵的
  • relevantadj. 相关的,切题的,中肯的
  • indistinguishableadj. 不能区别的,难区分的,不易觉察的
  • grandioseadj. 宏伟的,堂皇的,浮夸的
  • petitionn. 祈求,请愿书,诉状 vi. 请愿,祈求 vt. 向