新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List5:Unit4
日期:2015-03-13 11:18



【考法1】adj. 仔细的,一丝不苟的:taking, showing, or involvinggreat care and effort

【例】a conscientiousresearcher 一丝不苟的研究者

【近】careful, exact,heedful, meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous

【反】careless, remiss 粗心大意的

【考法1】adj. 有良心的,正直的:governed by or conforming tothe dictates of conscience

【例】a conscientiouspolice officer 一名有良心的警察

【近】conscionable,ethical, honest, moral, upright, principled, scrupulous

【反】unscrupulous 不正直的

【派】conscience n. 良心


【考法1】n. 一致同意:general agreement; unanimity

【例】The board hasfinally reached a consensus. 董事会最终达成了一致

【近】accord, assent, agreement,harmony, unanimity, unison

【反】disagreement 不同意见


【考法1】n. 结果:something produced by a causeor necessarily following from a set of conditions

【例】negativeconsequences of the war 战争带来的负面后果

【近】aftermath, effect,outcome, result

【反】source, origin,cause, antecedent 根源、原因

【考法2】n. 重要性,价值:significance; importance

【例】a mistake of noconsequence 不重要的错误

【近】moment, magnitude,weight

【反】triviality 琐碎的事

【派】consequential adj.重要的


【考法1】adj. 守旧的,不愿改变的:favoring traditional views andvalues; tending to oppose change

【例】a conservativepolitical stance 一个守旧的政治立场

【近】hidebound,reactionary, die-hard

【反】radical,aggressive 激进的

【考法2】adj. 不招摇的,低调的:not excessively showy

【例】dressing inconservative outfits so as to make a good impression at job interviews 身着低调得体的套装


【近】muted, repressed,low-key, understated, unpretentious

【反】flamboyant,ostentatious, splashy 浮夸的,张扬的

【考法3】adj. 谨慎小心的:having or showing a closeattentiveness to avoiding danger or trouble

【例】He madeconservative investments, and so he wasn't ruined when the market went into afree fall. 他


【近】alert, heedful,cautious, circumspect, gingerly, guarded, wary, vigilant

【反】heedless 不谨慎的,莽撞的


【考法1】n. 温室:a greenhouse for growing ordisplaying plants

【例】The college'sconservatory is entirely devoted to cultivating and displaying orchids.学校的温室几乎全部



【考法2】n. 艺术学院:a school specializing in oneof the fine arts

【例】an operaconservatory 歌剧学院


【考法1】vt. 保存,避免浪费:to keep in a safe or soundstate, especially to avoid wasteful or destructive use

【例】conserve naturalresources 保护自然资源

【近】husband, preserve,save

【反】dissipate, lavish,waste, squander 浪费

【派】conservation n. 保护


【考法1】adj. (数量上)可观(而值得注意)的:sufficiently large in size,amount, or number to merit attention

【例】a considerableamount of fortune 一笔可观的财富

【近】extensive,substantial, large-scale

【考法2】adj. 值得考虑的,重要的:worth consideration;significant

【例】a considerableartist 一位举足轻重的艺术家

【近】important,significant, consequential, momentous, weighty

【反】trivial 不值一提的;insubstantial, negligible,nominal, trifling 不要重的,可忽视的


【考法1】vt. 安慰,藉慰:to alleviate the grief, senseof loss, or trouble of; comfort

【例】Only her childrencould console her when her husband died. 只有她的孩子们才能安抚她失去丈夫的


【近】comfort, solace,soothe, calm

【反】distress, torment,torture 使痛苦

【派】consolation n. 安慰


【考法1】vt. 使联合,统一:to join together into onewhole;unite

【例】consolidateseveral small school districts 合并了几个小的校区

【近】unify, combine,amalgamate

【反】dissolve, sunder, fragment解散

【考法2】vt. 加固,使安全:to make firm or secure;strengthen

【例】consolidate thedefense line 加固防线

【近】enhance,strengthen, fortify, reinforce

【反】abate, attenuate,undermine, weaken 削弱

【派】consolidation n. 合并;加固


【考法1】adj. 和谐一致的:being in agreement or harmony;free from elements making for discord

【例】His performancewas rarely consonant with his reputation. 他的表现与名气大不相符

【近】harmonious,compatible, congenial, consistent, congruous, correspondent

【反】conflicting,dissonant, discrepant, inconsistent 不和谐的,不一致的

【派】consonance n. 和谐,一致
