BEIJING -- A recent survey found 70 percent of respondents were satisfied over the progress of the country's anti-graft campaign, China Youth Daily reported.
anti-graft campaign是反腐行动。
在2014年反腐工作中,受访者印象最为深刻的三项成果是“打掉一批大老虎 ”(a batch of "big tigers"),即高级别官员(high-ranking officials);“打击外逃贪官(crack down on corrupt officials fleeing abroad)”;“清理裸官 (naked officials)”,裸官指那些配偶(spouse)和子女移民国外(emigrate overseas)的国家工作人员。
调查显示,82.3%的受访者认可反腐败斗争形势依然严峻复杂(the situation remains grave and the fight against graft still has challenges)这一判断。
受访者对2015年反腐工作的期待包括“解决老百姓身边的腐败(bring down corruption in common people's daily life)”;“揪出更多大老虎(ferret out more "big tigers) ”和“继续强力追逃追赃(the continued hunt for fugitive officials and their illegal gains)”。
新一届领导人上任以来一直强调反腐工作要坚持“老虎”、“苍蝇”一起打(target both high-ranking "tigers" and low-ranking "flies")。
中纪委多次强调反腐机制(anti-graft mechanism)的重要性,并呼吁进一步制度化不同级别反腐部门的(anti-graft departments at different levels)双重领导制(dual leadership structure)。