英语六级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第209期:《孙子兵法》
日期:2015-01-19 16:27



《孙子兵法》(The Art of War)又称《孙子》(Sun Tzu),是中国古代著名的兵书, 也是世界上现存最早的兵书。其作者孙武对当时各国的战争进行思考并总结战争的规律。孙武强调战争中要对敌我双方的情况调查清楚,提出了“知彼知己,百战不殆”、“攻其无备,出其不意”等思想。《孙子兵法》已被译为英、法、日、德等多种文字。虽然这本书讲的是战争规律,但对其他行业也有启示意义,因此在世界上享有很高的声誉。



The Art of Warby Sun Tzu,also called Sun Tzu,is a famous book on the art of War in ancient China, and is the earliest book on the art of war preserved now world as well. After pondering on wars between countries, the author Suu Wu summed up the law of war.Sun Wu emphasized the investigation of situation on both sides in war and he put forward ideas like “Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat” and “Attack him where he is unprepared, and act where he is unexpected.”The Art of War has been translated into many languages,including English,French, Japanese and German. Although the book is on the law of warit can enlighten us on other fields,which earns it a good reputation in the world.


1.思考:可以用词组ponder on或think over表达。
2.对敌我双方的情况调查清楚:可译为investigation of situations on both sides。
3.提出:可译为put forward或come up with。
4.知彼知己,百战不殆:可译为Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat。
5.攻其无备,出其不意:即“在对方没有准备好的时候进攻,在出乎对方意料的 情况下采取行动”,故译为Attack him where he is unprepared, and act where he is unexpected.

  • enlightenv. 授与 ... 知识,启发,启蒙
  • unexpectedadj. 想不到的,意外的
  • defeatn. 败北,挫败 vt. 战胜,击败
  • ponderv. 沉思,考虑
  • reputationn. 声誉,好名声
  • preservedadj. 保藏的;腌制的;[美俚]喝醉的