日期:2014-11-20 09:32













乌克兰亲俄叛军任命领导人 危机加剧



Massive die-off of North American starfish


This is one of tens of thousands of starfish dying along North America's Pacific coast. And Cornell University's Ian Hewson says scientists have now discovered the culprit is a deadly virus.
这是北美太平洋海岸死亡的成千上万的海星中的一只fdd]C.zxqrYIyl*。美国康奈尔大学的Ian Hewson表示,科学家已经发现导致海星大面积死亡的罪魁祸首是一种致命病毒G)b3QGKvMWBzP;&9E


SOUNDBITE: Ian Hewson, Microbial Ecologist and Associate professor, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, saying (English): "It has basically decimated populations of sea stars. There used to be thousands and thousands of them, in small bays and inlets on the west coast and those have pretty much disappeared over the last year."
美国康奈尔大学农业和生命科学学院微生物学家,副教授Ian Hewson:“这种病毒大幅削减了海星数量hm!ZuEGEqz。过去有数十万只海星生活在西海岸许多小的水湾和浅滩中,而过去一年却大量死亡YSNe+ZoIQ[=QR~。”


More than 20 species of starfish, also called sea stars, are affected. And lesions are the first visible symptom of the killer virus, called Sea Star Associated Densovirus.


SOUNDBITE: Ian Hewson, Microbial Ecologist and Associate professor, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, saying (English): "The animals start to become lethargic and then they basically fall apart into a pile of goo on the bottom of the sea floor."
美国康奈尔大学农业和生命科学学院微生物学家,副教授Ian Hewson:“最初海星会开始感到无精打采,然后在海底分解为一堆粘稠物质K&C9Q,ZK+E。”


Hewson says even though there are billions of viruses in the ocean, they usually don't affect animals. So why the virus is attacking starfish is still a mystery. Hewson says scientists suspect a combination of overpopulation, viral mutation, environmental trigger or another factor. The loss of so many starfish threatens to disrupt coastal ecosystems and researchers hope they can soon find a solution to the problem.



U.S. Senate narrowly fails to pass controversial Keystone XL pipeline bill
美国参议院否决Keystone XL输油管提案


By just one vote, the U.S. Senate fails to pass a bill that would have paved the way for building the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline -- opposed by environmentalists -- would transport crude oil from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. A version of the bill flew through the House of Representatives last week, but the Senate failed to gain the necessary 60 votes in order to pass it. Moments before the vote, California Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer strongly opposed the bill.
仅以一票之差,美国参议院未能通过建设有争议的Keystone XL输油管道的提案Z3LMYP%@sCKXXi0n~。该管道将从加拿大向墨西哥湾运送原油,遭到环境保护主义者的反对X4&Ng2kXVcy8。上周,该提案的一个版本在众议院通过,但是参议院未能获得通过该提案所必须的60票H(w1W^TL4-。投票之前,加利福尼亚民主党参议员芭芭拉·柏克瑟(Barbara Boxer)强烈反对该提案XwJy!q9r@*f[f+_J


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. DEMOCRATIC SENATOR BARBARA BOXER, OF CALIFORNIA, SAYING: "And I am telling you Madam President, as sure as I am standing here, when the nurses stood with me and the public health doctors stood with me and they said 'you know what, let's be very careful here, because this pipeline is going to unleash 45 percent more of the dirtiest, filthiest oil."
加利福尼亚民主党参议员芭芭拉·柏克瑟(Barbara Boxer):“我告诉你,主席女士,我非常确信,当我站在这里的时候,护士们和我站在一起,公共卫生医生们和我站在一起,他们说,你知道,让我们谨慎一点,因为这条管道负责输送的最肮脏,最污秽的石油将增加45%|^Urpf,l80jyo)KCKbM;。”


Louisiana Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu was one of the fourteen Senate democrats who voted for the bill.
路易斯安那州参议员玛丽·兰德留(Mary Landrieu)是投票支持该提案的14名民主党参议员之一O)OeLr[5)HL*^Zk


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. DEMOCRATIC SENATOR FROM LOUISIANA, MARY LANDRIEU, SAYING: "The time is now to build the infrastructure necessary to make America energy independent. "
路易斯安那州民主党参议员玛丽·兰德留(Mary Landrieu):“现在是时候建设必要的基础设施,让美国实现能源独立了了~_bFE|P]x+Q。”


North Dakota Republican Senator John Hoeven.
北达科他州共和党参议员约翰·霍文(John Hoeven)也发表了自己的看法UoeY4)s^^Yd2MFs3aFrE


(SOUNDBITE) (English) U.S. REPUBLICAN SENATOR FROM NORTH DAKOTA, JOHN HOEVEN, SAYING: "Let's make this decision on the merits. Let's make this decision on the facts. It is about energy, it is about jobs, it is about economic growth."
北达科他州共和党参议员约翰·霍文(John Hoeven):“让我们按照是非曲直做出决定00@X~TUi)!。让我们面对现实来做出决定qz2pId#QQe7。这是关于能源,关于就业,关于经济增长的提案=aKXoEpR&pr#C(f6vB25。”


The vote didn't come without protest from demonstrators who were escorted from the Senate Gallery.



Relatives of Mexico missing give DNA


Family members of Mexico's missing students give their DNA, hoping that will help federal investigators to find their loved ones. Forty-three teachers in training disappeared in Guerrero in September, after clashing with local police. Some of their relatives say they don't trust the state authorities and are scared of being targeted themselves.


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) RELATIVE OF MISSING STUDENT, ESPERANZA MELENDEZ, SAYING: "It's always about fear, fear because if you speak out against something the authorities pay no attention to what you're speaking out against. Now, however, they're investigating us to see where we work, if we're involved in bad things. They're trying to cling onto something and don't pay any attention."
失踪学生的家属ESPERANZA MELENDEZ:“我们总是非常害怕,因为当我们大声反对什么事情的时候,当局总是不理睬你|_;Mo,xMsMP_g。然而,现在,他们正在调查我们,看我们如何工作,我们是否参加了不好的事情w9+|5MJhpl.P!=3。他们试图坚持某些事情,而且不关心我们在说什么1IYmo#ZF+Dpgs。”


Investigators suspect the students were killed by corrupt officers working with drug gang members. The case has sparked a few violent protests. Many say the government isn't doing enough to stop endemic gang violence that's killed thousands. That's put President Pena Nieto on the defensive.


(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) MEXICAN PRESIDENT ENRIQUE PENA NIETO, SAYING: "We have warned violent movements that are taking advantage of this pain of putting on protests for protests' sake, protests that sometimes don't have a clear objective. It seems they're responding to an interest which is to bring about destabilisation, to create social disorder, and above all else, to try and act against the project of the nation that we're driving." He took office two years ago promising to restore order in the country.






Jolie promotes "Unbroken," Victoria Beckham honored


Angelina Jolie has launched her latest directorial project, "Unbroken," in Australia. The actress attended a media conference in Sydney on Tuesday (November 18). The movie -about the true life plight of an American Olympian turned World War Two prisoner - was filmed in Australia. It's due out in theaters in December. Spice Girl turned fashion designer Victoria Beckham received the Global Gift "Philanthropeneur" Award at 5th Annual Global Gift Gala in London. Beckham was honored at the event for her work with charities. She was joined by the Global Gift Gala's host, actress Eva Longoria. "Side Show" has opened on Broadway. The musical is based on the true story of conjoined twins and 1930s vaudeville stars, Daisy and Violet Hilton. The show - first seen on Broadway in 1997 - opened to rave reviews from critics, including the New York Times and Variety.





EU foreign policy chief calls for dialogue with Russia


EU foreign ministers have called for dialogue with Russia, on the crisis in Ukraine, and they've also held off from increasing sanctions. On Monday, ministers gathered in Brussels to discuss the implications of recent elections in eastern Ukraine.


It came a week after residents there voted to elect legislators and executives. Russia supported the polls, but the vote was condemned by the UN, the EU and the United States,who said the elections violated Ukraine’s constitution and the terms of September's ceasefire agreement. The EU's foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, called for a new dialogue with Russia, but avoided threatening Russia with greater sanctions over its role in the conflict.


"How to engage with Russia in a dialogue between Kiev and Moscow, between Kiev and the east of Ukraine, between the European Union and Russia, not only on Ukraine but also on a wide series of elements, global and regional issues. And this is going to be one of the issues on which we will go more in depth in the coming months to re-asses our overall relations with Russia. Sanctions in themselves are not a target, are not an objective. They can be an instrument if they come together with other measures, and I think it’s time that the European Union and the ministers concentrate also on the other issues that we have to build for having a complete strategy," says Federica Mogherini, EU Foreign Policy Chief.

  • spicen. 药料,香料,情趣 vt. 用香料调味
  • protestn. 抗议,反对,声明 v. 抗议,反对,申明
  • promisingadj. 有希望的,有前途的
  • mutationn. 变化,转变,母音变化
  • concentratev. 集中,专心,浓缩 n. 浓缩物
  • factorn. 因素,因子 vt. 把 ... 因素包括进去 vi
  • symptomn. 症状,征兆
  • unleashv. 解开 ... 的皮带,解除 ... 的束缚,解放
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • violentadj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的