听力万花筒 第406期:泰勒斯威夫特新歌《Shake It Off》遭批
日期:2014-09-07 06:31


Taylor Swift Releases 'Shake It Off' Outtakes

Taylor swift has released the outtakes from her "Shake it off" video. So popular it's gotten 49 million views on youtube and hit number one on the billboard charts.

-Geo with some pop news.-Alright. Good morning again, guys. Tayler Swift has released the outtakes from her megapopular Shake it off video. You heard that song right there. It's so popular. It's already got nearly 49 million views on youtube and hit number one on the billboard charts. This behind-the-scenes clip shows Taylor learning how to do a basket task with some cheerleaders and having a whole lot of fun there. She also reveals why that message shake off the haters is so important to her. Listen.

-One thing I learned in whole process is that you can get everything you want in life without ever feeling like you fit in. You know, selling the millions of records doesn't make me feel cool.

-Hilarious. She's always so classical,right? We can't wait to have Taylor right here October, shaking it off on GMA.

-It's a great song with the great message. I love it again. She says, have more fun in your haters.

-Right, yeah. it's also great to see the outtakes, to see it's not always perfect and funny.

-It's good to show us video.

-I think it's pretty cool. I mean buttom lines.

-So far you have a great start.

-Alright. Not always p***, right? Ahh, you hear that. I'm afraid of no ghost. You know why? Because it's National Ghostbuster Day. That's right. The original fan and fighters are back in honour of the 30th anniversary of the cool classic. The movie is being rereleased in theater starting Friday just in time you kick up your labour day weekend. If there is something strange in your neighbour, who you gonna call?


-Oh, alright. Just not those ghostbuster in **. Everyone just get so excited whenever we talk about Ghostbuster.

-You are talking about bringing me back also doing a good one.

-That's right.

-With Wen, right?

-The first is classic.

-I do, if they did women, and it's just fair enough.

-Yes, I mean.

-And you all know how much I love Jiff, the pomeranian.

-Yes, we do.

-But this morning, breaking news! It turns out he's a recorder setter, the Guinness World Record, in fact. Guinness crowning the pint-sized dog as the fastest dog on two paws. He took the title Wednesday in races on both hind and front legs, and we were big fans for Jiff right here on GMA. I first met him sitting right here on this desk and there falling for Flora, and ever since we just haven't stopped taking Sophie. Just a few, just a few.

-Was he bord with you? He was **.

-I may be one.

-We're kind of obssessed with him, but so is everyone else. There's 333,000 followers on its page, more than all of us combined.

-Cheer ourselves.

-Thank you, Geo.

  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的
  • clipn. 夹子,钳,回形针,弹夹 n. 修剪,(羊毛的)剪下
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • swiftadj. 快的,迅速的 n. 雨燕,线轴 Swift n