日期:2014-08-12 11:33







台湾高雄燃气爆炸 22死270伤




洛杉矶沙滩闪电袭击 1死13伤





Supermoon lights up night skies


A moon of enormous porportions was in full view on Sunday as the satellite reached one of it's closets points to Earth during it's orbit. From Malta to London... the shining supermoon was quite the sight for on lookers in cloudless skies. One little girl in France described some scientific details on the phenomenon.


(SOUNDBITE) (English) CHILD, EVE TESSIER, SAYING: "As you can see, it's really bright. It's a full moon, but really, really bright. There's only going to be four ... three, sorry, of these moons in the whole of 2014. There's only going to be three of these moons the whole year."
小女孩EVE TESSIER:“你可以看到,月光非常明亮,是一轮非常明亮的满月dwhTRUbni2l|aPtiI6。2014年全年只会出现三次这样的月亮0BU#-]6uG@。”


The moon will actually reach it's closet point all decade during the full moon on November 14th 2016 when it will be a mere 220,000 miles away from Earth.



Ukraine says its forces close to taking rebel-held Donetsk


Residents of Donetsk wake to the sound of shelling. Most are taking no chances when it come to their safety... seeking shelter in a basement near the city center.


(SOUNDBITE) (Russian) DONETSK RESIDENT, NO NAME GIVEN, SAYING: "We are hiding from the bombs. Why are we here? Shells are flying over our heads, here and there. People are dying. How many people from Donetsk have already died? It's horrible."


And while residents hide below ground, the battle for control of Donetsk above ground continues, with Ukrainian forces claiming significant gains over pro-Russian separatists. Spokesman Andriy Lysenko says the army is now ready to retake Donetsk and the city of Luhansk.
人们在地下躲藏的同时,地面上争夺顿涅茨克控制权的战争仍在继续,乌克兰政府军宣称对抗亲俄叛军的活动取得了重大胜利hp6HXMJWJh@UHwkc=。发言人Andriy Lysenko表示,军队已经准备好重新控制顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克eTOVz%*3]VJlIgdWAV


(SOUNDBITE) (Ukrainian) UKRAINIAN NATIONAL SECURITY AND DEFENCE COUNCIL SPOKESPERSON, ANDRIY LYSENKO, SAYING: "We also once again call on civilians to urgently leave those cities (Donetsk and Luhansk), if possible, because an operation will be held there to liberate those cities and kill the terrorists."
乌克兰国家安全与防御委员会发言人ANDRIY LYSENKO:“我们再次呼吁,如果可能的话,平民百姓立即离开这两座城市(顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克),因为我们即将发起解放这两座城市,消灭恐怖分子的行动!]oeNL_ONn#BZ。”


Heavy guns boomed through out the night. One shell hit this high-security prison on the outskirts of Donetsk late Sunday,killing one inmate, injuring 3 others, and allowing more than 100 to escape. Some inmates returned, but these Donetsk residents are unlikely to be returning to their homes... until it's safe to do so.



Erdogan wins Turkey's first presidential election


A sea of Turkish flags on the streets of Istanbul, as supporters celebrate Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's presidential election win. It's a first for the nation. Erdogan's win makes him the first ever directly elected president of Turkey. Supporters took to the streets after Turkish broadcasters reported Erdogan won the election with 52 percent of the vote. That's 13 points above his opponent, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu. The prime minister told his supporters the Turkish people had spoken.
伊斯坦布尔街头成为土耳其国旗的海洋,支持者们庆祝总理埃尔多安赢得总统选举胜利k,lXWplHQe(&KPxFw;G。这是土耳其首次总统选举#bcWEAqi4_uBlL9O。埃尔多安的胜利使他成为土耳其历史上首位直接当选的总统]#FtSDA|Oh。土耳其广播报告称埃尔多安以52%的选票获胜后,支持者们走向街头Vf8LjvMATz^91cIdvP。该比率比他的竞争对手伊萨诺格鲁(Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu)高13个百分点b88@q5%Aa+RXq。总理告诉他的支持者,土耳其人民表达了自己的心声j2%Ntit_CM)dcA#


(SOUNDBITE) (Turkish) TURKISH PRIME MINISTER TAYYIP ERDOGAN SPEAKING TO THE CROWD, SAYING: "The nation has shown its will at the end of the journey that we started on July 5th." His supporters are thrilled with the results.


(SOUNDBITE) (Turkish) SUPPORTER OF AK PARTY, SELMA TURKYILMAZ, SAYING: "This is really nice. The results came as we expected.Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is elected President. We are really pleased."
执政党正义与发展党(AK Party)的支持者:“结果非常好,符合我们的预期yZN%y)dzOi6GJ]af#7。总理埃尔多安当选总统bE34O9pdiG。我们非常高兴srQSg1.m-tCL^qJ。”


But his journey is far from over, as Erdogan's opponents fear his election could lead to an increasingly authoritarian rule.Erdogan vows to exercise the full powers granted to him as president. His predecessors, however, have served a primarily ceremonial role. Ihsanoglu, the main opposition candidate, bid the prime minister good luck.


(SOUNDBITE) (Turkish) MAIN OPPOSITION CANDIDATE, EKMELEDDIN IHSANOGLU, SAYING: "I hope this will be a good result for democracy and I congratulate Mr. Prime Minister and wish him success."


After the victory is officially confirmed, Erdogan is slated to be sworn in as president on August 28.






Cotillard hits red carpet, Beyonce to be honored at VMAs


Marion Cotillard hit the red carpet in London for the premiere of her new movie "Two Days, One Night." The Oscar-winning actress plays a married mother-of-two, who has just days to convince her colleagues to give up their annual bonuses for her to be able to keep her job. The film opens at the end of August. Beyonce will receive the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at this year's MTV Video Music Awards. The singer will also perform at the show, where she is nominated for eight awards. The show will air live from California on August 24. Finally, one of the most recognizable faces of the feline world- Grumpy Cat - was in New York to promote his new book, "The Grumpy Guide to Life." More than one thousand people gathered for their chance to meet the cat, who stoically posed for photos with her more cheerful looking fans.





Statement by the President on Iraq
Martha’s Vineyard, MA


5:08 P.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I wanted to provide an update on recent developments in Iraq, including some important steps forward as Iraqis form a new government.


Over the past few days, American forces have successfully conducted targeted airstrikes to prevent terrorist forces from advancing on the city of Erbil, and to protect American civilians there. Kurdish forces on the ground continue to defend their city, and we’ve stepped up military advice and assistance to Iraqi and Kurdish forces as they wage the fight against ISIL.


At the same time, we’ve continued our daily humanitarian efforts to provide life-saving assistance to the men, women and children stranded on Mount Sinjar, and deployed a USAID Disaster Assistance Response Team to help. Some have begun to escape their perch on that mountain, and we’re working with international partners to develop options to bring them to safety. I want to thank in particular the United Kingdom, France, and other countries working with us to provide much needed assistance to the Iraqi people. And, meanwhile, our aircraft remain positioned to strike any terrorist forces around the mountain who threaten the safety of these families.


This advances the limited military objectives we’ve outlined in Iraq: protecting American citizens, providing advice and assistance to Iraqi forces as they battle these terrorists, and joining with international partners to provide humanitarian aid. But as I said when I authorized these operations, there is no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq.


The only lasting solution is for Iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government -- one that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis, and one that can unify the country’s fight against ISIL.


Today, Iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort. Last month, the Iraqi people named a new President.


Today, President Masum named a new Prime Minister designate, Dr. Haider al-Abadi. Under the Iraqi constitution, this is an important step towards forming a new government that can unite Iraq’s different communities.


Earlier today, Vice President Biden and I called Dr. Abadi to congratulate him and to urge him to form a new cabinet as quickly as possible -- one that’s inclusive of all Iraqis, and one that represents all Iraqis. I pledged our support to him, as well as to President Masum and Speaker Jabouri, as they work together to form this government. Meanwhile, I urge all Iraqi political leaders to work peacefully through the political process in the days ahead.


This new Iraqi leadership has a difficult task. It has to regain the confidence of its citizens by governing inclusively and by taking steps to demonstrate its resolve. The United States stands ready to support a government that addresses the needs and grievances of all Iraqi people. We are also ready to work with other countries in the region to deal with the humanitarian crisis and counterterrorism challenge in Iraq. Mobilizing that support will be easier once this new government is in place.


These have been difficult days in Iraq -- a country that has faced so many challenges in its recent history. And I’m sure that there will be difficult days ahead. But just as the United States will remain vigilant against the threat posed to our people by ISIL, we stand ready to partner with Iraq in its fight against these terrorist forces. Without question, that effort will be advanced if Iraqis continue to build on today’s progress, and come together to support a new and inclusive government.


Thanks, everybody.

  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • basementn. 根基,地下室 n.(新英格兰)特别指学校中的
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • escapev. 逃跑,逃脱,避开 n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃避)方法、
  • striken. 罢工,打击,殴打 v. 打,撞,罢工,划燃
  • constitutionn. 组织,宪法,体格
  • cheerfuladj. 高兴的,快乐的
  • phenomenonn. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件
  • criticaladj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的 adj. 临
  • liberatev. 解放,使获得自由,释出,放出 vt. 解放,使获自