听力万花筒 第375期:勒布朗詹姆斯跳出合约 三巨头散伙?
日期:2014-07-05 06:18


LeBron James Appears Headed to NBA Free Agency
The big news from one of the biggest stars in sports. Lebrebron James has become a free agent. Miami Heat superstar would become one of the most sought-out players in basketball history.

Turn out the big news from one of the big stars in sports. Maiami superstar lebran jame become free agent wants to explore the option, but king jame really want to leave the heat, this is a power plated for the change of the team? ABC'S Meg has the story.
the king of the D that no look pass, the clucth of three maybe on the market for new empire to reign over,brown james, AKA, king james. the anouncement free agency tuesday, just weeks after his team, miami mounted in the MBA finals against san antony spurs in the team's fourth straigt finals.he ia arguably the

league best player, he is not the best heat player, ranking 9th just under 20million dollars a year.but he took a paycut 2010, breaking cleveland's heart and head to miami,the much marked media stunt for a decision. where might be he taking his talent next? by opting out of the contract, tuesday the 29 years superstar has more options, could even resign for more money. Miami still the top choice because it can offer lebran the longest and most lucrative contract, and son could even go to home to cleveland. if they give lebran james, you could argue very strongly, they have more talent around him now, they had before when he was there, they won 66 game one year, 61 another. his wife instant pictture fueling the speculation he might be just doing that.the chicargo bulls and huston rocket are contender and both la clipplier and la lakers are reported in the hunt.wheerever he goes next season, is definitely going to be a contendering team. of course, the most intrigerring question is will lebran dump miamia and return to his first love cleveland. odds is that is not going to happen, but here is that the snagging him is so important, a study show since bredon came to heat, the team bring in 1.4 billion dollars and 21000 jobs to the miami economy.

  • stuntn. 特技,阻碍成长 vt. 阻碍成长,表演特技
  • decisionn. 决定,决策
  • optionn. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权 v. 给予选择
  • contractn. 合同,契约,婚约,合约 v. 订合同,缩短,缩小,
  • explorev. 探险,探测,探究
  • resignv. 辞职,放弃,顺从,听任
  • speculationn. 沉思,推测,投机