看美剧卡片学习地道俚语 第87期:同性恋
日期:2014-07-01 16:53


现代英语中有丰富的同性恋词汇,其中大部分是侮辱性的词汇。我觉得往往一类词的丰富多样和这类词背后所代表的的文化活跃程度有很大的关系。以下词汇参照The Online Slang Dictionary的词语分类和Urban Dictionary的词语解释,本人亲自汉化,我承认我有猎奇心态,但是更多的希望懂行的人和我进行交流并加以指正。最后一点,我的性取向是正常的!
1、auntie n.喜欢嫩草的同志大叔(通常无性目的)
a middle-aged or older male homosexual.
2、bear n. 通常指体重较重且有茂盛体毛和胡须的男同性恋
a masculine homosexual male.
3、bender n.直男的反义词…应该翻译成弯男吧?
a male homosexual - i.e. a male who is not straight. UK slang.
4、bottom n.o(>_<)o 小受~~~不过也可以指喜欢missionary position的女性或喜欢cowgirl的男性
homosexual male who prefers being sodomized rather than sodomizing during sex.

5、bum bandit n.\(≧▽≦)/小攻~~~bum是屁股的意思
a male homosexual.
6、bum chum n.同志伴侣,说话人语气很不友好,话语带诽谤性。chum是密友,结为密友的意思
a male homosexual's sexual partner. Mainly British. Often used derogatorily.

7、bumder n.是bummer和bender的复合词,bummer是以前的腐国俚语
a person who is a bummer and a bender, i.e. a homosexual. From the TV program The Inbetweeners.

8、butch adj.粗鲁的男人活男孩,指女性时表示充当男性角色的女同
masculine. When used to describe women, usually used in reference to masculine lesbians.

9、butt hugger n.指同性恋,说话人语气无礼,有冒犯性。这个词的另一个意思类似于齐B小短裙和紧身裤,和外国人交往过程中注意着装,过紧的休闲裤或牛仔裤会被他们看成是你在show your pussy
offensive term for a homosexual male.

10、carpet muncher n.做oral的女同……(特指跪在carpet上的吗?地毯好无辜=_=)
literally: a person who performs cunnilingus. Usually used to mean a lesbian.

11、catcher n.小受
a person who catches. That is, in homosexual male sex, to perform in the female role

12、chickenhawk n.喜欢吃嫩草的同志大叔(特别是20岁左右那些小嫩草)
an older gay male who prefers young gay men as sexual partners.

13、cub n.同志圈里的小bear们~
in the gay community, a younger or smaller bear.

14、drag king n.女扮男装,其实也不一定指蕾丝啦!
a lesbian in male clothing.

15、dyke n.蕾丝,说话人语气很粗鲁无礼。
a lesbian. Offensive.

16、fag n.无礼的称呼同志的方式,腐国人民也称香烟fag哦~~~~~~~~~~~~
derogatory term for a homosexual.

17、faggot n.男同,非常无礼的称呼
a male homosexual person. Extremely offensive.

18、fairy n.表现有点女性化,但不一定是男同
a male who acts slightly feminine but not necessary means that they are gay

19、femme n.拉拉,和butch相对
a feminine lesbian. Contrast with butch.

19、flamer n.总是穿花里胡哨的衣服,讲话很碧池,非常烦人非常浮夸的gay~~
a homosexual male who flaunts his homosexuality so as to make a pro-gay statement and/or to shock heterosexuals.

20、fruit n.不能说就是男同志,但是行为很娘炮~
a homosexual.

21、gaylord n.GAY王?这个词非常侮辱人,可能比其他词加起来的10^999倍还要insulting~~
a male homosexual. Derogatory.

22、girlfriend n.这个不用过多解释了吧,男女均可用~

23、GLBT n.以下四个词的首字母缩写acronym for "Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered."

24、hasbian n.曾经是拉拉,后面被掰直了或者现阶段处在异性恋情中,感叹一句,德普大叔还是很有魅力的,他的现女票就是现实中被掰直的栗子,
a person who has been a lesbian but now lives a heterosexual lifestyle.

25、homo thug n.外表大灰狼,床上小绵羊的一种gay,出于某种原因在现实生活中掩饰了自己的同志本性。
a homosexual who portrays himself as a thug, for a variety of possible reasons.

26、jobby jabber n.jobby是苏格兰俚语,相当于shit或者crap;jab事故戳,猛击的意思。
a male homosexual. Also "shit stabber".

27、lemon n.这种说法起源于澳大利亚,女生买T恤的时候可不要买胸口有柠檬印花的哦,太容易让人误会了~
a lesbian.

28、lez n.
a lesbian.

29、lipstick lesbian n.两人都非常十分女性化的女同
a feminine lesbian.

30、minge muncher n.喜欢做oral的女同……
a lesbian.

31、nellie / nelly n.活泼闪耀的女生,指男生时表示毫无男子气概的男同
an effeminate homosexual male.

32、Peter Puffer n.在俚语里,peter=penis, puffing=smoking,所以这个词是喜欢做oral的男同……
a homosexual male

33、pole smoker n.意思同上
a homosexual male.

34、poof n.好色的男同
a homosexual person.

35、Poofter n.UD上解释很搞笑,采纳了~经常anal的人,放屁声音和平常不一样,是“pooft”的声音还断断续续伴有“bra-a-a-p”的声音
An effeminate man, probably homosexual.

36、power top n.喜欢在上面的男同,更快更强更猛
in male homosexual sex, a very dominant top.

37、queer n.同志,现在也为同性恋人群所用。李银河老师写的《同性恋现象给人类的启示》提到了酷儿(queer)理论。
Originally pejorative for gay,now being reclaimed by some gay men,lesbians,bisexuals,and transgendered persons as a self-affirming umbrella term.

38、shirt lifter n.男同志,腐国俚语,拉起衬衫来的人,你懂得……
male homosexual

39、versatile n.攻受兼备
of a homosexual male, comfortable being either a top or a bottom.

40、wasbian n.曾经是拉拉,后面被掰直了
a person who has been a lesbian but now lives a heterosexual lifestyle.

  • cubn. 幼兽,年轻人
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • slightlyadv. 些微地,苗条地
  • dominantadj. 占优势的,主导的,显性的 n. 主宰者
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • derogatoryadj. 毁谤的,贬损的,有损的
  • referencen. 参考,出处,参照 n. 推荐人,推荐函 vt. 提
  • jabberv. 快而不清楚地说话 n. 含糊不清的话
  • contrastn. 差别,对比,对照物 v. 对比,成对照 [计算机]
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成