日期:2012-10-04 20:29


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Who does Olga contact on Facebook?
a) Her grandparents
b) Her siblings

2) How does she call her aunts and uncles?
a) Using a cell phone
b) Calling from Skype

3) Olga talks to her dad using ____.
a) email
b) video calls
Topic:How do you keep in touch with your family?

Hello. My name is Olga. I'm from Mexico. The question is how do you keep in touch with your family? Well, I always use the cell phone because it's the easiest way to call anyone, my dad, my mom, my brother and sister. But when I am away then I use internet of course like Facebook. For example, like my brother and my sister they have Facebook accounts so I can actually send her, send them, messages any time. Well, to my grandparents or my uncle and aunts, I usually use Skype. It's actually very easy to call them to their phones and then for my mom she knows how to use a computer really well so I always email her and with my dad he actually likes to use the video to call me, to call me on my phone so we actually use Skype or Facetime all the time.

b b b
