英语六级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第164期:端午节
日期:2014-06-13 17:29



端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival),又称重五节,于每年农历五月初五庆祝。 这是广泛流传2000多年的民间节日,也是中国最重要的节日之一。端午节当天举行各种庆祝活动,吃粽子和赛龙舟(dragon boat racing)是其中的重要习俗。关于端午节的起源,有很多传说。一部分人认为端午节是为了纪念诗人屈原,另一部分人则认为是为了纪念战国时期的著名将领伍子胥。然而,屈原的传说流传最广。人们非常欣赏这位爱国诗人的高尚情操和出众才华,更对他投江自尽的结局深表同情。



The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on May 5th on lunar calendar.It is a folk festival widely spread with a history of over 2,000 years, and is one of the most important Chinese festivals as well. There are various celebrating activities on that day, among which the customs of eating rice dumplings and dragon boat racing are quite important.There are many legends on the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.Some people think it is to commemorate the poet Qu Yuan, while others say it is to be in honour of Wu Zixu, a famous general during the Warring States period. However, the legend of Qu Yuan spreads most widely. People appreciate highly the noble sentiment and prominent talent of this patriotic poet and are very sympathetic with the ending that he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.


1.广泛流传:可使用词组widely spread表达。
2.民间节日:即folk festival, folk意为“民间的”。
3.端午节当天举行各种庆祝活动:使用there be句式更为简洁,译为There are various celebrating activities on that day。
4.粽子:可译为rice dumplings,也可以直接用zongzi。
5.纪念:可译为commemorate或 in honour of。
6.高尚情操:可译为noble sentiment。
7.出众才华:可译为prominent talent。其中prominent意为“出众的,杰出的”。
8.投江自尽:可译为 commit suicide by drowning oneself in a river。其中 commit suicide意“自杀”。
9.深表向情:“对…表示同情”可译为be sympathetic with。

  • sympatheticadj. 同情的,共鸣的 n. 交感神经
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • legendn. 传说,传奇
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • patrioticadj. 爱国的
  • celebratedadj. 著名的,声誉卓著的 动词celebrate的过
  • sentimentn. 感情,情趣,意见,观点,多愁善感
  • commemoratevt. 纪念
  • appreciatevt. 欣赏,感激,赏识 vt. 领会,充分意识 vi.
  • committedadj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的