看美剧卡片学习地道俚语 第63期:不用说...
日期:2014-04-28 09:47


It goes without saying that… (从句)
=It is needless to say (that) (从句)【可缩写为 needless to say 】
=It is obvious that…(从句)
It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.
“Needless to say, 主词 + 动词”乃由”It is needless to say + that子句”化简而来, 因经常使用, 已成固定用法。但使用”It goes without saying…”时, 则其后一定要接that引导的名词子句, 而不可化简。
例: Needless to say, every parent loves his or her own child.
It goes without saying that a good son will always take care of his parents.

  • needlessadj. 不需要的,无用的
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的