日期:2014-04-22 22:20



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What did Daniel find?

a) A lot of money

b) Some chocolates

2) Where did Daniel find this valuable thing?

a) At school

b) On the street

3) Daniel didn' tell anyone about what he found because __.

a) he wanted it

b) he was scared


Topic:Have you ever found something valuable?

Hey. My name is Daniel. I'm from Chile and the question is have you ever found something valuable?

Yeah, when I was a kid I found a lot of money, a lot of money in the street. I was really excited. I didn't, I didn't want to tell anyone because I wanted to spend it all on my own so I did. I spent a lot of, I spent all the money in chocolates and candies. Now that I think about it, I didn't buy that many chocolates which probably means that, yeah, the money wasn't enough or it wasn't that much. Probably it was like, if you take it now in US dollars, it would be something like, yeah, no more than three or four dollars. So if I asked the question myself again, no, I've never found something, anything valuable.


a b a
