日期:2015-12-17 10:06



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) He likes to stay at ____ .

a) guesthouses

b) hotels

2) He likes to gather ____ .

a) in the lobby

b) by the pool

3) He says hotels are nice ____ .

a) for families

b) if you have money


Topic:Do you prefer a hotel or a guesthouse?

Hey! My name is Adam. I'm from the US, and the question is, do you prefer hotels or guest houses?

I'm going to go with guest houses. I think you can meet lots of interesting people especially if you're traveling alone. When you stay at guest houses, there's kind of friendly atmosphere. There's usually a lobby or a common area that people kind of gather in and it's a nice place to just hang out. They also might have some games or TV to watch.

And I think that's one of the great things about traveling is meeting new people and other travelers from different parts of the world. So guest houses are really good place to do that.

Sometimes, they can be a bit unclean and sometimes you have to share a room with other people which is not great. So if you can, get a private room in a guest house and then use the shared facilities to meet people at. That's really a good way to travel.

Yeah. A hotel can be nice too if you have the money and if you already have people that you want to spend time with and you don't want to meet new people, then that would be good, too.


a a b
