听力万花筒 第313期:黑人歌手尼克·卡农“漂白”脸照遭粉丝猛批
日期:2014-04-01 13:21


Nick Cannon Sparks Whiteface Controversy
TV personality Nick Cannon takes heat for posting an Instagram photo of himself in whiteface.

TV personality Nick Cannon who today is under fire for posting this photo of himself. It's a photo of him in white face. Some people are calling this racist, but Cannon is defending himself, and ABC's Marro has this story.
Though it's hard to tell, this instergram picture is of Nick Cannon and yes, he is in white face. The rap run TV host posted the photo Monday with the caption it's official, I'm white, followed by a string of hashtags seeming to reference stereotypes about white people, including Beerpongs,Farmersmarkets and Fist Pumping, all to promote his new album, White People Party Music.
By saying him do this, it immediately puts the album title in your head, so it's actually a very smart move, even though it may offend some people.
Some twitters found the post funny, tweeting things like welcome to be , but others call it racially insensitive and not much different from actress Julie Halloween costume last year when she wore black face in character as crazy eyes from the TV show Orange is the New Black.
I will call Nick Cannon calculated ignorance. There is a double center there, so I can't say like, OH,Nick Cannon this is just funny. I'm offended a little bit by it.
Since his original post, Cannon has double down, posting a new video of a different Caucasian character along with the original guy. A link to this Youtube video from 2009 with the caption funny, no one got mad when we did this. Cannon's album,his first in 11 years comes out on April 1st. Some wondered if these all could be an elaborate April Fool's joke, a possible promotional prank that not everyone finds funny.

  • promotevt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销
  • referencen. 参考,出处,参照 n. 推荐人,推荐函 vt. 提
  • offendvt. 犯罪,冒犯 vi. 令人不适,违反
  • stringn. 线,一串,字串 vt. 串起,成串,收紧,悬挂;系
  • elaborateadj. 精细的,详尽的,精心的 v. 详细地说明,用心
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • ignorancen. 无知
  • insensitiveadj. 不敏感的,麻木不仁的,感觉迟钝的
  • captionn. 说明文字 v. 给(图片、照片等)加说明文字
  • costumen. 服装,剧装 vt. 提供服装,为 ... 设计服装