听力万花筒 第99期:八国集团领导人口味冰淇淋上市
日期:2013-06-22 16:55


G8 leaders inspire new ice cream flavors

A Northern Ireland ice cream shop creates new ice cream flavors inspired by the G8 leaders. CNN's Dan Rivers reports.


Amid this security and high politics, there is some levity in Northern Ireland. This store spotted a retailing opportunity and has pursued it with gusto(嗜好).

Can I get a nut about Obama please?

G8 ice-creams.

Well, we came up the idea when the G8 is launched, we make our own ice-cream on site, and we had just decided ok that if, will they later come to our, literally to our door?So we’d make a gelato field of Therroe.

Green tea ice-cream for Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, black forest gataeu flavor for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Eton Mess for British Prime Minsiter David Cameron and president Obama.

Obama is nut. About Obama, we did some research on him and find out he likes almonds, and he likes pecan nuts and peanuts, so it's a combination. He is the Laratie Lado, couple of different flavors. They are snickers, chocolate and notala. And then we got some toasted bacons and toasted almonds.

So the million-dollar question, well the 2-pounds-29 question may be which is her favorite?

Oh, hard question. And I am quite partial to the black forest, very nice. And I am also partial to meatt o pecon; I'm also partial to nuts about Obama. In fact, you love them all.

Well, if the leaders of the G8 don't achieve anything else, they have inspired some pretty awesome flavored ice-creams. The big question is will they get to try them for themselves.

  • pecann. 美洲山核桃(树)
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • flavorn. 滋味,香料,风格 vt. 加味于
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • inspirevt. 影响,使 ... 感动,激发,煽动 vi. 吸入
  • partialadj. 部分的,偏袒的,偏爱的 n. 泛音
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • opportunityn. 机会,时机
  • levityn. 轻浮,轻率,不稳定,多变
  • combinationn. 结合,联合,联合体