日期:2014-03-04 15:47



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Does Ayumi like buying stuff online?

a) No

b) She is so-so

c) Yes

2) Why does she buy clothes online?

a) Where she lives has few shopping centers

b) They are cheap

c) They are good quality

3) What has she bought recently?

a) A hat

b) A book

c) A belt

4) Why does she buy books online?

a) They are cheaper

b) She is lazy

c) It is not easy to find English books where she lives


Topic:What have you bought online?

Hello, I'm Ayumi from Brazil and the question is what have you bought online?

I like buying stuff online. For example I buy video games, I buy books and also clothes because the place I live there's not so many shopping centers so I do it online. Lately I bought a book from the United States. It was called The Lion Time. I actually really recommend it. It's a really interesting book. The reason I buy books online is because I cannot find so many books here in English so I use a lot of online to buy stuff.


c a b c
