日期:2014-02-25 13:13



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) When does she like to cook?

a) When people tell her to cook

b) When she wants to cook

c) At the same time every day

2) How does she feel if soemone asks her to cook?

a) Stressed and worried

b) Proud

c) Happy

3) What does she say about her cooking?

a) She likes to cook for many people

b) She is a very good cook

c) She does not care if it is good or not


Topic:Do you like to cook?

Hello, my name is Olga from Mexico. The question is do you like to cook? Well, I do like to cook, but I don't like to cook when someone tells me to cook, cause I would like to feel free to cook whatever I want, and if a person tells me, "Oh, would you cook for me?" I feel kind of stressed and worried if they would like it or not, so I would just rather cook whatever I want and not care if it is good or not.


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