日期:2014-02-21 20:54



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) What talent would Aiko like to have?

a) To be able to cook very well

b) To be able to sing and dance very well

c) To be able to sail very well

2) How does she describe her singing?

a) Terrible

b) Terrific

c) Trouble

3) What does Gareth wish he could do?

a) Play the guitar

b) Play the piano

c) Play the drums

4) Why does he want to play guitar?

a) To be a rock star

b) To be in a band

c) To play at parties and impress friends


Topic:what is a talent you wish you had?

Gareth: Hello, my name is Gareth and I'm from England.

Aiko: Hello, my name is Aiko and I'm from Japan.

Gareth: And our question is what is the talent you wish you had ?

Aiko: Should I answer first?

Gareth: Yep, please do.

Aiko: I wish I could sing and dance very well. When I'm watching a kids' TV show with our children, they often sing, sing Mom or dance and I try my best but it's quite terrible and then I wish I could do it very well. How about you Gareth?

Gareth: I wish I could play the guitar and this is because whenever you go to a party there's always a guitar somewhere in the house, right? Just in the corner of the room or somewhere like that, so I wish I could just pick it up and then play like Jimmi Hendrix. I think it would impress all of my friends and maybe it's something that I could do as a job in the future and get money for playing the guitar.

Aiko: You play the guitar and I sing, that would be perfect.

Gareth: A duo, yes.


b a a b

  • impressn. 印象,特徵,印记 v. 使 ... 有印象,影响,
  • describevt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成
  • guitarn. 吉他