日期:2015-10-29 11:22


Answer the following questions about the video.
1) She would like to work for a ____ .
a) small company
b) big company
2) He would like to work for a ____ .
a) small company
b) big company
3) He talks about there being more ____ .
a) chances
b) people
Topic:Would you rather work for a large or small company?
Gaew: Hello, this is the video for ello.org. I’m from Thailand.
Micky: And I’m Micky from Nigeria.
Gaew: Uhm, the question is about “Would you rather work for a large or small company?” Would you?
Micky: Yeah, I don’t know, but I think I would rather work for a large company.
Gaew: Uhm, why?
Micky: Because working for a large company gives you room to build yourself. Have large friends, have large organization to work with because you’re kind of like reckon with and all that.
Gaew: Well, if it’s me, I would rather work for a small company, because like, I see when I feel that if you work in a large company there, there is more rules and regulations. But if it is a small company you can, I can move more freely. And I suppose maybe that my opinion can be heard easier than in a large company where higher ups are far away in maybe some another foreign country.
Micky: Yeah, but to large company, you have a chance of working with….
Gaew: Yeah
Micky: all that new people and you can make a lot of large friends, you know.
Gaew: Yeah.
Micky: And a good network too.
Gaew: We’ll see.

a b b
