日期:2014-01-23 07:51







慈善企业家邵逸夫去世 享年107岁


五香驴肉检出狐狸肉成分 沃尔玛全面召回


奥运火炬历史首进太空 将进行太空漫步






More violence in Thai protests


Anti-government protesters continue to demonstrate in Bangkok on day one of a 60 day state of emergency. Despite the mandate,a group of protesters picked off the letters outside the police headquarters and cut a chain on the gate. Also Wednesday, a pro-government politician was injured in a drive by shooting in what officials say was a politically motivated incident. Anti-government protesters are calling for Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to step down and for reforms in the electoral process. Protesters said they would boycott snap elections set for February 2 in which the Prime Minister is expected to win.Nine people have died since the violence began in November.



Stranded Antarctica passengers back in Australia


Passengers from a Russian-owned research ship that was stuck in ice in Antarctica for a week arrived in Australia Wednesday.(3105) The Australian vessel the Aurora Australis ferried 52 passengers back to terra firma after an intensive rescue mission also involving Chinese, French and American vessels. Expedition leader, Professor Chris Turney.
周三,被困南极冰海一周的俄罗斯科考船乘客抵达澳大利亚]CdSOyBk=%k。经过中国,法国和美国船只同样参与的紧急救援行动之后,澳大利亚船只“南极光”号(Aurora Australis)将52名乘客搭回陆地n&Hl@0MS(]^~Z[。探险队领袖Chris Turney教授:


(SOUNDBITE) (English) PROFESSOR CHRIS TURNEY, EXPEDITION LEADER SAYING: "A fantastic example of international cooperation was when the Chinese and Australian vessels worked together with rotations using the Chinese helicopter to deliver the AAE (Australasian Antarctic Expedition) team from the Shokalskiy to the Aurora Australis and it was an incredible example of professionalism and work under the Antarctic Treaty. It was really fabulous."
探险队领袖Chris Turney教授:“这是国际社会合作救援的绝佳案例,中国和澳大利亚船只轮流使用中国直升机将澳大利亚探险队员从绍卡利斯基院士号运往澳大利亚南极光号qO!G;=A)^(。这也是职业化和按照《南极公约》进行工作的绝佳案例4E1U_gU5lT+I!#-D(O3。非常精彩HLe*Z%eO~5,jTt]a~(d2。”


The rescue operation became complicated after the Chinese vessel that was supposed to rescue the passengers itself got stuck in ice. (5606- no access china) But throughout it all, the stranded passengers remained upbeat and passed the time learning languages, yoga and knot tying. (2127-access all) The group had sailed out from New Zealand to commemorate the 100th anniversary of an Antarctic journey by Australian explorer Douglas Mawson.
原本认为能够营救乘客的中国破冰船也被困之后,救援行动越来越复杂+%3V|gWcb0qax^iq&bIy。但是在这种形势下,被困乘客保持乐观的态度,利用这段时间来学习语言,瑜伽和打结R_&WfQAW17T!pssC(p@。这支科考队伍从新西兰出发,是为了纪念澳大利亚探险家道格拉斯·莫森(Douglas Mawson)南极之旅100周年qfzB)jHB=heII



Kabul restaurants affected by bombing


For expats living and working in Kabul, dining out has recently become an even more dangerous luxury. An attack at a restaurant last week in which 13 foreigners were killed has left similar establishments nearly deserted. Mohammad Azim Popal owns the Sufi Restaurant and says his cliental has gone down almost 100%. Before the attack business was good, he said. But after the attack we only get two or three people per night. Friday's suicide bombing and shooting at a Lebanese restaurant popular with foreigners put a major damper on businesses in Kabul. One IMF worker and three U.N. workers were among the dead prompting major international agencies to ban non-essential travel and dining out in restaurants in Kabul this week. Even before the attack, concerns have been growing over the security environment as most foreign troops will pull out this year. And coupled with the upcoming presidential election in April, and a deadlock between President Karzai and Washington over a bilateral deal on troop withdrawal, an uncertain future lies ahead for foreigners and citizens alike.
对于居住和生活在喀布尔的外来移民来说,外出就餐最近成为越来越危险的奢侈享受jP.gvXIH+h。上周,一家餐馆遭遇袭击,13名外国人遇难,导致附近的餐馆生意冷清QAv0_bfJgZ3S8-fh;f。Mohammad Azim Popal是这家苏非派餐馆的主人,他说顾客数量下降了接近100%wT]n-a@HaHvu6EHrg3。袭击之前生意很好bfze8L=vZ9Nti;^96eg。但是袭击过后,每晚只有两三位顾客光顾ybd4ER[]Tv0_KcqMj。周五,一家外国人经常光顾的黎巴嫩餐馆遭遇袭击,导致喀布尔的生意受到重大打击%2.oov-3uB。本周,一名IMF工作人员和三名联合国工作人员遇难导致主要的国际机构禁止非必要的旅行和外出就餐yJXr2Af3BhRv;FC。即使在袭击之前,由于大部分外国军队将在今年撤退,人们也越来越担忧喀布尔的安全环境+XSZvSk+2Q。此外,4月份即将举行总统选举,总统卡尔扎伊和华盛顿之间就军队撤退的双边协议陷入僵局,外国人和本国公民都前途未卜Yx9#f]@L)gktL;lR8o






Credit card details of 20 mln South Koreans leaked


The credit card details of almost half of all South Koreans have been stolen and sold to marketing firms. It is the nation’s largest theft of personal information involving credit-card holders.


The data was stolen by a computer contractor working for a company that produces credit scores. The names, social security numbers and credit card details of 20 million South Koreans were copied by the IT worker.


The stolen data includes email and residential addresses, phone numbers and resident-registration numbers. Prosecutors have indicted the contractor and two of the alleged buyers of the information, but say the stolen personal details has not been widely circulated.


Regulators have sought to reassure the public, but consumers are flooding call-centers to find out if their information has been stolen. The three bosses of the credit card firms involved has made a public apology for the security breach. Other executives at the three companies have offered to resign.





China to reform mechanism on food subsidies


The Information Office of China's State Council released details on the country's latest push to reform its agricultural policies. Officials stressed that agriculture is still the foundation of the country's economy. China will reform the current mechanism for food subsidies.


Currently, the government compensates farmers when grain prices fail to reach the minimum price set by the government. From this year, changes will be implemented in some test areas, where the government will set grain prices based more on the market.


The government will still compensate farmers if the actual price is lower than the one it set.


And those living under the poverty line in cities will receive subsidies to compensate for higher grain prices than what the government set.


China also plans to revitalize its farmland that has been exhausted by excessive use of fertilizers and heavy pollution. They will also try to ensure that there is plentiful grain supplies across the country.

  • creditn. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方 (复)c
  • plentifuladj. 丰富的,多的,充裕的
  • mandaten. 命令,指令,要求,托管地 vt. 把(某一地区)置
  • luxuryn. 奢侈,豪华,奢侈品
  • boycottvt. 抵制(贸易),拒绝参加
  • knotn. 结,节 vi. 打结 vt. 把 ... 打成结,
  • excessiveadj. 过多的,过分的
  • compensatev. 偿还,补偿,付报酬
  • apologyn. 道歉;勉强的替代物
  • incredibleadj. 难以置信的,惊人的