日期:2013-12-17 20:16



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Why do people dislike mathematics?

a) Because it's impractical

b) Because it's too difficult

2) What did her class burn?

a) Leaves

b) Paper

3) The principal was a _____ .

a) man

b) woman


Topic:What is your favorite subject?

Hi, I'm Hanna from Australia and today I would like to talk to you about my favorite subject.

When I was in high school I was a bit of a geek. My favorite subject was physics. A lot of people don't like mathematics because it's not very practical, although physics is the opposite. It's basically taking mathematics and then applying that to all sorts of things you see around you in your life.

I think my favorite lesson ever was one time when my teacher said OK I'm going to teach you all about light today so we went out into the quad and we took some magnifying glasses and then we started burning leaves, then the Principal walked past us and said what are you doing girls and we said sorry Miss we're just learning physics. See that's why I love physics.


a a b
