日期:2015-08-07 10:07



Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Michael thinks online learning is ____ .

a) rarely useful

b) sometimes good

2) He likes pages that are ____ .

a) interactive

b) intuitive

3) He thinks ____ is the best option.

a) studying online

b) having a teacher


Topic:Do you study online?

Hello, my name is Michael and I'm from Norway, and my question is if I've studied online?

And my answer is that it depends on how you look at it. I mean if my whole education is online, then no. However, I use the Internet for research, and I love pages that are interactive that can teach me something but I were to decide whether to have online course, only online courses, or have a mix of online courses and having a teacher, I would prefer the latter.


b a b
