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SAT经典范文赏析:《约塞米蒂国家公园之旅》Trip to Yosemite
日期:2013-10-23 08:30



约塞米蒂国家公园之旅Trip to Yosemite
Kent H. A third illustration of the notion that plans can always go wrong is seen through my experiences in the Boy Scouts of America. Last summer, I led a thirty-mile backpack trip through the Yosemite Valley. For months prior to the trip, I planned out the schedules, meals, equipment, parent volunteers, and path that we would follow. As the trip approached, I was confident that it was going to be a great success as a result of all of the planning that I had done in advance. However, on the morning of the trip something went extremely wrong. One of the father chaperones didn't show up because he thought that the trip was a week later than it actually was. Consequently, the number of adult leaders on the trek was cut down by one and the number of drivers that would take us to our starting point was reduced. We made do with one less supervisor, but the miscommunication had resulted in serious setbacks.

点评:这个段落展现了句子结构的多样性和过渡技巧的巧妙。Kent在几乎所有句子的开头都使用了介绍性短语或从句作为前奏。比如:"For months prior to the trip, I planned out the schedules, meals, equipment, parent volunteers, and path that we would follow. As trip approached, I was confident that it was going to be a great success as a result of all the planning that I had done in advance."这些从句是一个优秀作者的标志。另外,我很喜欢Kent结束文章的短语"resulted in serious setback"。比起俗气的"shit happens",这个短语优美具有内涵,把它收入囊中吧!

  • prioradj. 优先的,更重要的,在前的 adv. 居先,在前
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • consequentlyadv. 所以,因此
  • illustrationn. 插图,例证,说明,图解
  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • setbackn. 顿挫,挫折,退步