日期:2013-10-23 17:39



1.The driver the traffic light.
2.He is his clothes into a suitcase.
3.The army is under the king’s direct .
4.The tall tree was struck by .
5.The car wouldn’t start,so we decided to go on foot.
6.Is the source of the information ?
7.He animals and sold their furs.
8.A daughter’s marriage is quite an for a father.
9.He has all the of a successful businessman.
10.My about education have changed.
11.Where is Mr.Jones now?
A.At home.
B.At the health center.
C.At his office.
12.Why was the woman so late?
A.Something went wrong with the bus.
B.Site took somebody to hospital.
C.She didn’t catch the bus.
13.What does the man mean?
A.He enjoys many types of games.
B.Basketball is his favorite sport.
C.He only plays basketball.
14.Where does the man want to post the card?
A.New Jersey. B.New York City. C.New York State.
15.When does Susan usually go to bed?
A.After 9∶30. B.Before 9∶30. C.At 9∶30
16.What will the woman do?
A.She’ll show the man a map.
B.She’ll tell the mail the direction.
C.She’ll go to the Black’s with the mall.
17.What is the woman going to do this evening?
A.Go to dinner. B.Visit her sister. C.Go to the airport.
18.Why didn’t the mall go to the theatre?
A.Because the woman didn’t have a phone.
B.Because he had some unexpected friends.
C.Because it was already eleven o’clock.
19.Where are the two speakers now?
A.They are in the forest.
B.They are in the cinema.
C.They are in a swimming pool
20.What did the woman think of the exam?
A.It wasn’t too difficult.
B.It’s about languages.
C.It’s very difficult.

21.His in come (add)up to 1,000yuan a month.
22.My teacher is (concern)about my English study.
23.Both of his parents can speak French (fluent).
24.He told the boys (not make)so much noise.
25.He often goes (cycle)in his spare time.
26.I’ve won a holiday for two to Florida.I (take)my mum.
27.The priceless works of art were (destroy)in the earthquake.
28.I’ve seen the movie a number of (time).
29.He devoted his life to (fight)against the German Nazis.
30.It is (cruelty)of you to bully (欺凌) your friend like that.
31.We discussed where to go for a whole morning,but we decided to stay at home .
A.at the end B.by the end C.in the end D.on end
32.Sometimes English is quite different from English in many ways.
A.speaking,writing B.spoken,written
C.speaking,written D.spoken,writing
33.The office ordered his soldiers .
A.to stand still B.to not stand still
C.not stand still D.stand still
34.Firework the beauty of the festival night.
A.added to B.added up C.added up to D.added
35.The old woman has a lot since her husband died many years ago.
A.gone by B.gone through C.gone along D.gone over
36.—Would you like another cup of coffee?

A.Yes,I like some B.Yes,I'd like to C.Yes,go ahead D.Yes,please
37.I still remember the house my mother and I used to stay in that evening.
A.where B.which C.in that D.the one
38.I still remember the days I stayed with grandpa in the countryside when I was a small child.
A.which B.when C./ D.on which

  • crueltyn. 残酷,残忍,残酷的行为,虐待
  • sourcen. 发源地,来源,原始资料
  • fluentadj. 流利的,流畅的
  • devotedadj. 投入的,深爱的 v. 投入 vbl. 投入
  • earthquaken. 地震
  • suitcasen. 手提箱
  • unexpectedadj. 想不到的,意外的
  • spareadj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的 v. 抽出,饶
  • bullyn. 欺凌弱小者,土霸,开球 vt. 威胁,恐吓,欺负