日期:2013-09-16 10:19



Part A Listen to the short conversations and the best answer. (本题共6分,每小题1分)
( ) 1. A. They are going to Washington together by air.
B. They are going to Washington separately.
C. They are going to Washington this evening.
D. They are going to Washington together.
( ) 2. A. Good photos can be taken in Boston.
B. That photo is a very nice one.
C. Everyone looks good in Boston.
D. Actually no one can take good photos in Boston.
( ) 3. A. He is eating in a restaurant.
B. He is eating in a snack bar.
C. He is eating in a friend's house.
D. He is tasting a cook's special food.
( ) 4. A. The two people are quite lazy.
B. The two people don't have anything to do.
C. Only the director knows what they should do.
D. The two people won't know what to do even when the director comes.
( ) 5. A. At a bank. B. At a police office.
C. At a railway station. D. At a restaurant.
( ) 6. A. the customer doesn't mind drinking anything he is given.
B. The customer will drink orange juice or coffee.
C. The customer doesn't feel like drinking anything.
D. The customer is not pleased with coffee or orange juice.
Part B. Listen to the longer conversation and choose the best answer. (本题共6分,每小题2分)

( ) 7. A. A box. B. A suitcase.
C. Some books. D. A bookshelf.
( ) 8. A. It was taken upstairs.
B. It was taken downstairs.
C. it was carried upstairs and then downstairs.
D. It was not moved.
( ) 9. A. Because nobody could carry it.
B. Because they didn't want to carry it.
C. Because they couldn't get into the room upstairs.
D. Because they were not allowed to move it.
Part C(1). Listen to the short passage and choose the best answer. (本题共4分,每小题1分)
( ) 10. A. A car. B. A house.
C. A woolen suit. D. A television.
( ) 11. A. Prices have been raised in the past twenty years.
B. People have to work longer now in order to buy the same amount of food.
C. Bread, milk and butter are not expensive.
D. An average workman can afford to buy a car.
( ) 12. A. Five minutes. B. Eight minutes.
C. Twelve minutes. D. Six minutes.
( ) 13. A. Americans are living a poor life now.
B. Americans are living a better life but perhaps they have some other problems.
C. Americans' life is perfect.
D. People in many other countries are living better than the Americans.
Part C(2).

  • conversationn. 会话,谈话
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • suitcasen. 手提箱