世纪文学经典:《百年孤独》第11章Part 8
日期:2013-10-11 14:17



In February, when the sixteen sons of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía returned, still marked with the cross of ashes, Aureli-ano Triste spoke to them about Rebeca in the tumult of the celebration and in half a day they restored the appearance of the house, changing doors and windows, painting the front with gay colors, bracing walls and pouring fresh cement on the floor, but they could not get any authorization to continue the work inside. Rebeca did not even come to the door. She let them finish the mad restoration, then calculated what it had cost and sent Argénida, her old servant who was still with her, to them with a handful of coins that had been withdrawn from circulation after the last war and that Rebeca thought were still worth something it was then that they saw to what a fantastic point her separation from the world had arrived and they understood that it would be impossible to rescue her from her stubborn enclosure while she still had a breath of life in her.
On the second visit by the sons of Colonel Aureli-ano Buendía to Macon-do, another of them, Aureli-ano Cen-teno, stayed on to work with Aureli-ano Triste. He was one of the first who had been brought to the house for baptism and úrsula and Amaranta remembered him very well because in a few hours he had destroyed every breakable object that passed through his hands. Time had moderated his early impulse for growth and he was a man of average height marked by smallpox scars, but his amazing power for manual destruction remained intact. He broke so many plates, even without touching them, that Fernanda decided to buy him a set of pewterware before he did away with the last pieces of her expensive china, and even the resistant metal plates were soon dented and twisted. But to make up for that irremediable power, which was exasperating even for him, he had a cordiality that won the immediate confidence of others and a stupendous capacity for work. In a short time he had increased the production of ice to such a degree that it was too much for the local market and Aureli-ano Triste had to think about the possibility of expanding the business to other towns in the swamp. It was then that he thought of the decisive step, not only for the modernization of his business but to link the town with the rest of the world.
"We have to bring in the railroad," he said.
That was the first time that the word had ever been heard in Macon-do.
在奥雷连诺上校的儿子们第二次来到之后,其中还有一个奥雷连诺。 森腾诺定居马孔多,开始跟奥雷连诺·特里斯特一块儿工作。奥雷连诺·森腾诺是送到家里来命名的第一批孩子当中的一个,乌苏娜和阿玛兰塔清楚地记得他,因为他在几小时之内就把他手边碰到的每一件易碎的东西都毁坏了,时光抑制了他最初不断往上长的倾向,现在他是一个中等身材的人,脸上有天花的痕迹,但他身上神奇的毁灭力量仍象从前一样。他打碎了那么多的盘碟,甚至打碎了没有碰着的盘碟,以致菲兰达在他还没毁掉最后剩下的贵重器皿之前,就慌忙给他买了一套锡锱器皿,但是坚固的金属碟子很快出现了凹痕和歪扭现象。这种难以改变的特性甚至使奥雷连诺·森腾诺本人感到气恼,但他见面就令人信任的热情和惊人的工作能力弥补了自己的缺陷。在短时期内,他扩大了冰的生产,甚至超过了本地市场的购买力,于是奥雷连诺·特里斯特不得不考虑到沼泽地带的其他市镇去推销自己的货品,接着,他产生了一种想法,这种想法的实现不仅对他工厂中的生产现代化起着决定性的作用,而且对于建立马孔多和外界的联系也有极大的意义。







作家写出这一点,是希望拉丁美洲民众团结起来,共同努力摆脱孤独。所以,《百年孤独》中浸淫着的孤独感,其主要内涵应该是对整个苦难的拉丁美洲被排斥现代文明世界的进程之外的愤懑[mèn]和抗议,是作家在对拉丁美洲近百年的历史、以及这块大陆上人民独特的生命力、生存状态、想象力进行独特的研究之后形成的倔强的自信。这个古老的家族也曾经在新文明的冲击下,努力的走出去寻找新的世界,尽管有过畏惧和退缩,可是他们还是抛弃了传统的外衣,希望溶入这个世界。可是外来文明以一种侵略的态度来吞噬这个家族,于是他们就在这样一个开放的文明世界中持续着“百年孤独”。作者表达着一种精神状态的孤独来批判外来者对拉美大陆的一种精神层面的侵略,以及西方文明对拉美的歧视与排斥。“羊皮纸手稿所记载的一切将永远不会重现,遭受百年孤独的家族,注定不会在大地上第二次出现了。” 作者用一个毁灭的结尾来表达了自己深深的愤懑。

  • manualadj. 手工的,体力的 n. 手册,指南,键盘
  • twistedadj. 扭曲的 v. 扭动(twist的过去式)
  • calculatedadj. 计算出的;适合的;有计划的 v. 计算;估计;
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • modernizationn. 现代化
  • resistantadj. 抵抗的,反抗的 n. 抵抗者
  • immediateadj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的
  • withdrawnadj. 偏僻的,离群的,孤独的,内向的 动词withd
  • confidenceadj. 骗得信任的 n. 信任,信心,把握