每日视频新闻:三公消费受限制 奢华月饼退出市场
日期:2013-09-09 10:21







李天一案首日审理 三被告认罪李某否认


毕业生最难就业季 签约率仅三成




北京房市调控出狠招 限制房价竞标地价



Tokyo's joy at Olympic 2020 bid win


The announcement was met by scenes of jubilation in Argentina. As the International Olympic Committee announced that Tokyo had been chosen to host the 2020 Games ahead of Istanbul and Madrid, the city's delegation jumped to their feet. Many, overcome with emotion after two years of intense lobbying, wept. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who had allayed fears over the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, could not hide his delight.


(SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) PRIME MINISTER OF JAPAN SHINZO ABE SAYING: "We would like to give our profound thanks to all those who supported this city. Let me greet everyone who put so much effort into the candidacy, like Spain and Turkey. It has been a long and difficult competition and I would like to salute all sportsmen (and women) as well as the Governor of Tokyo and the active athletes, for their support to win the bid to host the Olympic games. Without their efforts we would not have been able to win. Now then begins the real work. We will begin the preparations, for the Olympic games and the Para-Olympics of Tokyo 2020 so that it will be a great success."


The joy was just as obvious in Tokyo when residents awoke to the news. (SOUNDBITE) (Japanese) 51-YEAR-OLD MARATHON RUNNER TAKASHI ISHIZAWA, SAYING: "We've done it! I was worried that if we slipped up this time then I'd never get to see an Olympics in Tokyo. So I was overjoyed and ran all the way here to pick up the newspaper." The decision means Tokyo will become the first Asian city to host the Games twice, while Istanbul and Madrid go home empty handed again.
东京居民得知这一振奋人心的消息也非常兴奋=C=Me4Af;O.r。51岁的马拉松运动员TAKASHI ISHIZAWA:“我们做到了!我曾经担心,如果这次不能成功,我可能再也没有机会看到奥运会在东京举办V78Xi,3dXixK。所以,我非常高兴,一路跑着来拿报纸YGKMyvcnX*。”该决定意味着东京成为两次承办奥运会的首个亚洲城市,伊斯坦布尔和马德里的希望再次落空7.4nR9e[]c-+H)eC]ir



EU blames Assad for alleged chemical attack in nuanced message


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is pushing for European support of a military strike on Syria, and on Saturday, the European Union on Saturday blamed the Syrian government for that deadly chemical attack in August. EU Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton said the evidence they've seen points to the regime.
美国国务卿约翰·克里正在努力获取欧洲支持,对叙利亚动武zgdd,2jKj&*.Po。周六,欧盟谴责叙利亚政府八月份发动致命化学武器袭击t|UPF|APaiBN@Kawzs。欧盟外交政策负责人阿什顿(Catherine Ashton)表示,他们看到的证据全部指向叙利亚政府bW&iwX.Ial|!HnE


SOUNDBITE: EUROPEAN UNION FOREIGN POLICY CHIEF CATHERINE ASHTON SAYING: "It is the only one that possesses chemical weapons agents and the means of their delivery in a sufficient quantity."
欧盟外交政策负责人阿什顿(Catherine Ashton):“只有叙利亚政府才拥有化学武器,才能如此大规模地使用化学武器^-N9=j%Gmy9。”


But the European bloc stopped short of actually endorsing a military strike, issuing instead a carefully worded message that said any international response to Syria must include the United Nations. Kerry said he was "grateful" for the EU statement but added President Barack Obama's made no decision yet about whether he'll wait for U.N. weapons inspectors' report on the chemical attack. And he's keeping all his options open.


SOUNDBITE: U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY SAYING: "The president has given up no rights of decision with respect to what he may or may not do." Meanwhile, amateur video which Reuters can't verify claims to show the downing of a warplane by Syrian rebels, and government shelling in near Damascus. Also in Damascus, Syrian Christians responded to a call from Pope Francis for a day of prayers for peace in their country.An outcome that -- after more than two and a half years of civil war - appears elusive.



India awaits judgment for Indian gang rape accused


Indian investigators examine the bus where a 23-year-old New Delhi woman was brutally gang raped and beaten last December. The trainee physiotherapist later died of her injuries, sparking national calls to protect women. Months later, Indian courts are set to decide the fate on Tuesday of four men accused in the attack. Police say DNA tests have linked at least two of the men to the crime, one of whom tried to kill himself while in custody. All could face the death penalty. Last month a teen boy involved in the assault was sentenced to three years in juvenile detention for his part. The case has raised questions over women's safety here, as another gang rape report surfaced in August, this time involving a young female photojournalist in Mumbai. Social activists say most sex crimes go unreported, while offenders escape justice. Indian women face a number of threats, including forced marriage, rape, dowry-related murder, domestic violence and human trafficking.


CCTV9:三公消费受限制 奢华月饼退出市场




Luxurious mooncakes fade out of market
三公消费受限制 奢华月饼退出市场


The sky-high prices of moon cakes of the past few years have finally been brought back down to earth.


"The prices are much lower than in the last few years. I used to spend a few thousand on a box of moon cakes."


"The gift boxes always contained more than just moon cakes. But I don’t see any like that this year."


Mid-Autumn is the second most important festival in China after Spring Festival, and is the season for gift-giving. Quite often, these gifts play a role in building business and other connections. So they tend to be very expensive. But this year, the central government banned officials from buying moon cakes with tax payers’ money. Consequently, reservations shrank and suppliers have felt the chill.


"Sales have been affected by the ban. Around 10 percent as I estimated. There’s likely to be a sales drop of about 20 percent for boxes of moon cakes over 300 yuan." Chen Yaoliang, Manager of Xiyayucai Restaurant said.


"The most expensive gift box is 1188 yuan. We’ve sold only one." Qi Na, Sales Assistant, Lianhua Supermarket, Liaoning province said.


"Most buyers are in favour of those under 100 yuan, for themselves or family members." Wang Zhisheng, Manager of Walmart Superamrket in Beijing said.


It’s not just in supermarkets, high-end hotels are also facing a sales decline. Group purchases have plunged.


"There are strict regulations on public service departments’ purchases of moon cakes. Some of them even cancelled their bookings. There’s a significant drop in big bookings." Song Linna, Manager of Qianshan Hotel, Liaoning Province said.


The public welcomes the changes.


"Tax payers’ money should be used on public welfare, not on these things, like buying moon cakes."


Many people say they’d like to see the price of moon cakes to once more reflect the sentiments of reunion for the holidays.



经济好转 八月份贸易额上涨7.1%



China's foreign trade up 7.1% in August
经济好转 八月份贸易额上涨7.1%


According to customs figures released on Sunday, China’s foreign trade in August reached 352.7 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 7.1 percent over the same month last year. Imports and exports saw steady growth, raising hopes that the global trade environment is starting to pick up.


According to the General Administration of Customs, China’s exports rose 7.2 percent year on year to over 190 billion U.S. dollars in August.


Imports also rose, gaining 7 percent to more than 160 billion U.S. dollars. The country’s trade surplus widened by 8.3 percent year on year to 28.5 billion U.S. dollars in August, as export gains outpaced imports.


“Exports in August increased 2.1 percent compared with July, which means global market demand is also rising. It’s a positive sign of the steady growth of China’s exports,” said Zheng Yuesheng, director of Statistics Division, General Adm. of Customs.


Customs figures showed that while China was consolidating its trade with traditional developed markets, the country was also strengthening its trade ties with emerging economies.


“Overall, China’s foreign trade market diversification achieved certain goals, which effectively promote the steady growth of China’s foreign trade,” Zheng Yuesheng said.


Zheng also says that due to a series of measures to stimulate foreign trade and structural adjustments, China’s foreign trade is expected to achieve steady progress in the second half of the year. The quality and efficiency of foreign trade growth will also be improved.

  • deliveryn. 递送,交付,分娩
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • violencen. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • evidencen. 根据,证据 v. 证实,证明
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • reflectv. 反映,反射,归咎
  • obviousadj. 明显的,显然的
  • surplusadj. 多余的,过剩的 n. 过剩,剩余物,盈余